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  • Survey

    November 17, 2021
    Protiviti’s Guide to U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Requirements, Frequently Asked Questions provides responses to nearly 3,000 questions aggregated from our clients, attorneys, regulators, members of law enforcement, academics and others interested in the requirements and challenges that companies face in addressing the complex and dynamic topics of anti-money laundering/combatting financial…
  • Newsletter

    March 23, 2020
    In a crisis, clear thinking is needed in the boardroom. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has set in motion one of the most abrupt disruptions in decades, leaving organisations reeling with uncertainty as fear spreads faster than the virus itself. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis could very well present the ultimate test of resiliency — for leading companies in…
  • Podcast

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Podcast

    January 11, 2023
    The greatest IT audit concerns lie with cybersecurity-related breaches and related risk issues. Data governance and data integrity are being scrutinised. Regulatory compliance burdens and risk are increasing rapidly. These are among the key takeaways from the results of the latest IT Audit Technology Risks Survey from ISACA and Protiviti, in which more than 7,500 IT audit leaders and…
  • Newsletter

    June 12, 2024
    Acute talent shortages across numerous industries underscore the risks emanating from outdated, reactionary approaches to managing people, succession and culture. The question arises, what is the board’s role in forging a 21st-century approach to managing talent?Changing times have led to fleeting employee loyalty, as talented individuals have more options than ever before with greater…
  • Newsletter

    November 29, 2023
    Compared to prior years, our suggested 2024 audit committee agenda has taken a bit of a turn due to ongoing and recent market and regulatory developments.A complex business environment: The 2024 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, governance, process, technology, and financial reporting and disclosure issues that merit consideration by the audit committee beyond its ongoing…
  • Whitepaper

    February 4, 2021
    As an executive in healthcare, you make a lot of important decisions to ensure the financial health of your organisation. One of those important decisions might be to select and implement a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. If you have made that decision, you have determined that your current information system, be it an existing ERP or best-of-breed solution, does not meet the…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Newsletter

    November 8, 2023
    In these disruptive times, how should boards discharge their duty of care and duty of oversight with respect to risk when the models to follow aren’t clear? Is the board’s risk oversight process fit for purpose in today’s dynamic environment?Board engagement with risk and how it is managed has been a topic of interest for many years. While risk has always been present in every business, the…
  • Client Story

    May 26, 2023
    A leading global property and casualty insurance provider set out to transform its risk controls as part of an ongoing effort to promote a culture of excellence. Siloed knowledge of operational risk and controls made it difficult for the organisation to improve quality and compliance. Establishing awareness of vulnerabilities and mitigation protocols across the organisation would boost regulatory…