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  • Research Guide

    May 17, 2022
    On May 12, President Joe Biden issued the Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. This executive order (EO) is the most recent action by the administration to strengthen U.S. national cyber defenses and address cybersecurity threats and attacks that continue to grow in magnitude, impact and frequency. It is intended to protect networks in the federal, public and private sectors,…
  • Survey

    January 19, 2022
    TMT industry leaders view restrictive government policies, economic uncertainty and talent gap among major risk driversRestrictive government policies, the talent shortage, third-party outsourcing arrangements, disruptive digital technologies, and, of course, the persisting pandemic are the dominant risk issues being discussed in boardrooms and executive suites across the Technology, Media and…
  • Podcast Transcript

    May 5, 2023
    Intel is preparing to build its first quantum dot processor. But you don’t have to wait to try your hand at writing code for it. Thanks to the Intel Quantum SDK, you can access the support system and software stack for this future chip via simulators today. Prepare to run algorithms on a bleeding-edge platform in this episode of The Post-Quantum World. I’m your host, Konstantinos Karagiannis. I…
  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2022
    Directors are seeing a significant shift in the priorities discussed in the boardroom. Since the dawn of the 21st century, boards have seen it all — the emergence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the 2008 global financial crisis, expanded proxy disclosure mandates in 2009, digital disruption of business models amid the threat of “born digital” market entrants, and, of course, the COVID-19…
  • Podcast

    November 10, 2023
    Today’s Chief Legal Officers are constantly reevaluating their legal ecosystem as the demands on the legal department continue to grow. One area that is gaining special attention in legal department management is legal talent and the important role it plays in accelerating operational efficiencies and effectiveness.In this episode of Protiviti Legal Perspectives, Jamy J. Sullivan, JD, Executive…
  • Whitepaper

    May 2, 2023
    Most consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail companies recognize the urgency of innovation. At the same time, their information technology (IT) leaders also are concerned about obstacles such as regulatory and compliance pressures, difficult economic conditions, and resistance to change undermining their innovation objectives.
  • Podcast

    June 12, 2024
    When Richard Feynman proposed the idea of a quantum simulator or computer in 1981, he was frustrated by the limitations of classical systems. He logically suggested that if we live in a quantum world, we need a quantum device to simulate all the interactions of particles that make up reality. An excellent example of such a transistor-choking calculation is the quantum many-body problem. Have…
  • Whitepaper

    August 31, 2023
    By Sharon Lindstrom - Global Leader, Manufacturing and Distribution Industry Practice, ProtivitiBy the numbers: Overall, organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets on and invest a fifth of their IT human resources in technical debt management.This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by…
  • Whitepaper

    July 12, 2021
    In spite of over 20 years of experience as an industry, Identity & Access Management (IAM) programs continue to struggle — and with good reason. There is a lot that can go wrong with an IAM program. Lack of funding, treating IAM like a project and not a program, not having business buy-in, and trying to overly customise packaged software are all examples of significant challenges that can…
  • Podcast Transcript

    August 20, 2020
    It’s time for internal audit leaders and professionals to stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation. But the results of the latest Next-Generation Internal Audit survey from Protiviti show that much progress still needs to be made in growing competency levels and next-generation auditing methodologies, in advancing innovation and transformation initiatives, and in…