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  • Newsletter

    March 11, 2021
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks highlights their views regarding a disruptive risk landscape over the next decade through 2030.[1] Our global survey captures insights from 1,081 C-level executives and directors across multiple industries, with broad geographic representation. As with our prior surveys, the results captured…
  • Newsletter

    April 15, 2022
    Every company is a technology company today. With business and technology inextricably intertwined, directors need to possess sufficient knowledge of technology issues to execute their duty of care responsibilities. Research indicates there is a financial performance payback from a technology-savvy board. An analysis of the boards of U.S.-listed companies determined that companies with boards of…
  • Flash Report

    November 15, 2022
    Last Friday at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (more commonly referred to as COP27), in Egypt, United States President Joe Biden asserted that global warming posed an existential threat to the planet and promised his country would meet its targets for fighting it. In his speech, he said, “The climate crisis is about human security,…
  • Whitepaper

    August 29, 2023
    You need to learn not only about generative artificial intelligence’s potential uses for delivery and management of healthcare, but also about its capabilities to support internal audit activity. At the same time, you need to understand hazards associated with its use and develop your approaches to realizing generative AI’s potential while managing its risks.
  • Podcast

    August 23, 2021
    Next in our Transformation Series, guest host Lucy Pearman talks with Sophie Krynauw about the future of insurance and workplaces in a digital environment with global collaborative teams focusing on outcomes rather than process. Sophie Krynauw is the Transformation Audit Director at Group Audit Zurich Insurance Group. And part-time triathlete. Sophie is responsible for the designing the future…
  • Podcast

    May 28, 2020
    The world has changed, but SOX work goes on. Organisations required to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act no doubt are experiencing this sentiment firsthand. These undoubtedly are unprecedented times. The COVID-19 global pandemic has caused seismic shifts in companies of all sizes, but CAEs and internal audit, and SOX leaders, are well aware that their obligations to perform internal controls,…
  • Podcast Transcript

    May 28, 2020
    The world has changed, but SOX work goes on. Organisations required to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act no doubt are experiencing this sentiment firsthand. These undoubtedly are unprecedented times. The COVID-19 global pandemic has caused seismic shifts in companies of all sizes, but CAEs and internal audit, and SOX leaders, are well aware that their obligations to perform internal controls,…
  • Newsletter

    March 23, 2020
    In a crisis, clear thinking is needed in the boardroom. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has set in motion one of the most abrupt disruptions in decades, leaving organisations reeling with uncertainty as fear spreads faster than the virus itself. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis could very well present the ultimate test of resiliency — for leading companies in…
  • Newsletter

    October 18, 2021
    Informed organisations in all industries are establishing carbon emissions reduction and net-zero carbon emissions targets. Directors’ conversations on strategy have an important role in businesses’ energy transformations. Energy consumption is a priority. The introduction of renewables continues as costs decline. The percentage of electricity consumed through non-fossil fuel sources — solar,…
  • Newsletter

    September 10, 2020
    Churchill said he strived “to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year — and to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” His acknowledgment of the futility in predicting the future is especially apropos today as markets transition to the eventual “new normal.” The business model is akin to a finely tuned machine requiring the…