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  • Insights paper

    March 20, 2024
    In today's digital age, data privacy management is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. With the ever-changing regulatory landscape surrounding data protection, organisations must adapt swiftly to ensure compliance and maintain trust with their customers and stakeholders. However, both data sovereignty and localisation play an important role in privacy, as discussed in a previous post…
  • Blogs

    April 28, 2022
    Protiviti’s Agile Risk Management philosophy enables organisations to focus on growth, improve efficiency and become more effective in managing risk while providing greater value to business partners. Effective risk identification and assessment are integral to an organisation’s success and improve strategic decision-making. Accurate and timely risk identification and assessment help to drive…
  • Whitepaper

    July 22, 2021
    The future of organisations will be built on the ability to work securely from anywhere, using any device at any time. This was made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced millions of workers to work from home using company-owned or personal devices. As the velocity and persistence of cybersecurity attacks increase daily and digital transformation continues to be a priority for…
  • Blogs

    April 12, 2023
    Background On 16 February 2023, the Attorney-General’s Department released its Privacy Act Review Report (the Report) following a two-year review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act). The Report contains 116 recommended amendments to the existing Act to strengthen the protection of personal information and the control individuals have over their information. If accepted and adopted, the…
  • Newsletter

    July 10, 2020
    As global markets continue to address the COVID-19 pandemic, practical digital know-how is becoming more than a desirable attribute that directors aspire to embrace. A compelling study asserts that companies could be falling behind if they lack a digitally savvy board. Boards and business leaders are well aware of the digital revolution taking place across the globe and how digital leaders were…
  • Flash Report

    February 12, 2021
    According to Harvard Business Review research, 70-90% of M&A deals fail. Poor planning and execution at all stages of the deal (the deal zone, transaction zone, and post-close zone) contribute significantly to this high failure rate. Further, Protiviti research has shown that the most common mistakes an organisation can make during a transaction include improper planning, poor due diligence,…
  • Client Story

    July 24, 2022
    Smaller firms can’t afford to be heavily dependent on technical consultants or bound to a portfolio of siloed applications that don’t provide the ability to track data. Recently, the visionary leader of a healthcare professional association freed her business from these dilemmas. But the flexibility and strength her small team stood to gain from their digital transformation initiative were…
  • Newsletter

    December 11, 2020
    Emerging risks are newly developing risks that cannot yet be fully assessed but could, in the future, affect the viability of an organisation’s strategy and business model. A risk-savvy culture sometimes needs an informal adhocracy to identify emerging risks in a timely manner. While every organisation has a risk assessment process, we often hear that the process as it exists now is too static…
  • Client Story

    November 24, 2021
    In the fiercely competitive credit card industry, banks struggle to grow their brands by differentiating their cards from all the others. Many try to do this through low rates, giveaways and various partnerships. However, the most visionary among banks understand that customer experience (CX) is at the center of success and is the engine to grow their brand. A large global bank — a Protiviti…
  • Client Story

    April 9, 2021
    Data privacy has become a strategic priority as companies adapt to comply with rapidly proliferating data privacy laws. Recent years have seen the adoption of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the more recent California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), and similar regulations. These safeguards require companies to document the types of protected personal data used in…