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  • Survey

    July 10, 2023
    The 19th volume of Protiviti’s Internal Auditing Around the World® builds on a theme we explored in-depth earlier this year in our 2023 Next-Generation Internal Audit Survey — internal audit relevance.
  • Flash Report

    March 29, 2023
    The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) has released supplemental guidance on how to effectively apply the 2013 Internal Control — Integrated Framework (ICIF) — which is currently applied to financial reporting — to sustainability reporting. The guidance results from a project approved by the COSO board a year ago with the objective of helping organisations “…
  • Newsletter

    October 29, 2020
    Your monthly compliance news roundup Protecting Institutions Against PPP Fraud On September 10, 2020, Brian Rabbitt, acting assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), provided a status update on the department’s efforts to combat Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) fraud. According to Rabbitt, the DOJ has filed charges against 57 individuals for fraudulently obtaining or…
  • Client Story

    January 31, 2022
    Apparel company enhances key processes, customer experience using insights from shoppers’ digital sentimentsBusinesses generate vast amounts of data every single day, mostly so-called dark data or information that go unused. Long before the current pandemic-driven e-commerce boom, a search technology firm estimated that 7.5 septillion gigabytes of data were generated by businesses worldwide each…
  • Podcast

    September 28, 2022
    With the dominance of ESG as a key agenda item in the boardroom and C-suite, it’s no surprise that one especially noteworthy topic is sustainable finance – ensuring that investments in products and services are aligned with ESG and sustainability standards. This certainly is a key area of focus in financial services. In this podcast, Protiviti’s Paul Middleton interviews Ana Carolina Oliveira,…
  • Whitepaper

    July 19, 2021
    Customers are major drivers of change in the marketplace. In times of stress, how well companies manage customer experience and expectation can determine whether they succeed. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, amid demand spikes and panic buying of household items like groceries and cleaning products, companies that successfully addressed customers’ demands (e.g., restocked alternative…
  • Whitepaper

    June 29, 2020
    U.S. Edition | June 2020 Financial Crime Risks in the Current Climate The current economic and business climate is a new frontier for financial institutions seeking to navigate challenges posed by deteriorating market conditions, customer anxiety and the ever-watchful eyes of industry regulators. Concurrently, bad actors that pose an ongoing threat are also discovering new channels of…
  • Newsletter

    October 18, 2021
    Informed organisations in all industries are establishing carbon emissions reduction and net-zero carbon emissions targets. Directors’ conversations on strategy have an important role in businesses’ energy transformations. Energy consumption is a priority. The introduction of renewables continues as costs decline. The percentage of electricity consumed through non-fossil fuel sources — solar,…
  • Flash Report

    December 30, 2020
    As the old saying goes, the best deals are made when neither side gets exactly what it wants. By that standard, the most recent federal pandemic relief bill that finally passed into law in late December certainly qualifies as a great deal. Democrats who for months had been seeking a bill in excess of $3 trillion were undoubtedly disappointed by the final price tag of slightly more than $900…
  • Survey

    October 5, 2022
    Financial institutions demonstrate resiliency in responding to COVID and start to look forward out to the horizonOur survey results for 2021 reflected a financial services industry that was still consumed with responding to the most significant global pandemic in the past 100 years. Many of the areas of focus highlighted in last year’s survey involved short-term operational challenges, including…