Insight Search

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  • Survey

    December 22, 2023
    Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative have been conducting our Top Risks Survey for the past 12 years. This journey began just as financial markets around the world were starting their long, slow recovery from the global financial crisis, and has since covered the worst global pandemic in 100 years as well as near record-low interest rates followed shortly by the fastest rate hiking…
  • Blogs

    April 18, 2023
    Learning difficulties at school left Victoria Sprott feeling confused about her abilities, but a sales job in Australia, helped launch a career in recruitment. Rhianne Williams from Protiviti’s iGROWW network hears a story about finding a calling, embracing the fear of change, and nurturing a healthy family life alongside a successful career.
  • Podcast

    April 19, 2023
    Intel is preparing to build its first quantum dot processor, but you don’t have to wait to try your hand at coding in this new quantum computing environment. Thanks to the Intel Quantum SDK, you can access the support system and software stack for this future chip today and start writing real code to run on simulators with over 40 qubits. Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Anne…
  • Podcast

    April 19, 2023
    Data management is a critical component of an organisation’s reporting and required disclosures, whether they are for regulatory authorities or stakeholders. The needs are no different when it comes to environmental, social and governance (ESG) – an area of growing global importance for organisations worldwide. In this podcast, Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason interviews Protiviti…
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 21, 2023
    We often hear that the path to fault-tolerant quantum computing will require error correction. How will this technique work? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Yonatan Cohen, Chief Technology Officer at Quantum Machines, about this and other scaling technologies. Also, learn how Quantum Machines is working on all aspects of hybrid control of quantum and classical processors to…
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 21, 2023
    Is your organisation post-quantum ready? NIST’s finalists for PQC ciphers are expected in 2024, and time is running out to prepare for their implementation. Regulators will force this migration long before quantum computing hardware actually cracks encryption. The path to being ready for post-quantum cryptography will require assessing your organisation’s crypto agility, and will certainly…
  • Podcast

    April 26, 2023
    One of the most significant decisions a CFO faces is selecting the right technology or tool to help them run the finance organisation and deliver expected results and value for the business. But technology selection is only the first step. There also is implementation, a just as important stage that can make or break the success of the technology and its effectiveness in the eyes of stakeholders…
  • Podcast

    January 10, 2023
    Director Andy Flach details key challenges that industrial products organizations are facing based on research from Protiviti's 2023 Top Risks Survey.
  • Podcast

    January 10, 2023
    Managing Director Keith Kawashima provides an overview of the risk landscape for pharmaceuticals and life sciences organizations based on research from Protiviti's 2023 Top Risks Survey.
  • Podcast

    January 10, 2023
    Managing Director Sean Humphreys describes current and future market challenges for organizations in the materials and chemicals industry based on research from Protiviti's 2023 Top Risks Survey.