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  • Newsletter

    August 10, 2023
    With technology clearly a material driver of change, boards of larger companies are trending toward a more strategic focus on technology. Should your board be a part of that trend?Why it matters: The board community has been acknowledging the speed of disruptive innovation, largely driven by emerging technologies.Yes, but: There are also considerations pertaining to speed-to-market, technical…
  • Whitepaper

    October 4, 2018
    Renowned management guru, author and professor Michael Porter has a number of spot-on quotes about strategy, including this one: “A company without a strategy is willing to try anything.” If you are a CIO or data officer and this sounds painfully familiar to you, you are not alone. As digitalisation has started to dominate the thinking of CEOs and board members, the pressure to realise value from…
  • Survey

    January 13, 2023
    Global economic uncertainty, inflation and supply chain disruptions are major headwinds facing the consumer products and services industry group, and particularly consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail companies, heading into the new year. Separately, for airlines and hospitality companies, the potential impact of an unexpected crisis on revenue and resistance to cultural changes are the top…
  • Newsletter

    August 23, 2023
    The big picture: So much has been written about generative AI (GenAI), it seems like a constant buzz inspiring both wonder and fear. But the value proposition is alluring. After witnessing OpenAI’s ChatGPT in action, Bill Gates said, “I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.”Between the lines: The opportunities for using GenAI to enhance…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Flash Report

    March 29, 2023
    The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) has released supplemental guidance on how to effectively apply the 2013 Internal Control — Integrated Framework (ICIF) — which is currently applied to financial reporting — to sustainability reporting. The guidance results from a project approved by the COSO board a year ago with the objective of helping organisations “…
  • Newsletter

    September 16, 2022
    Boards and their companies operate in an increasingly digital world. Every director should have sufficient digital understanding to engage in strategic conversations with the CEO, other company leaders and other members of the board. Embracing digital capabilities is a mindset that emphasizes a commitment to adapt continuously in the face of change and respond to customers’ increased desire for…
  • Newsletter

    November 14, 2021
    In the third decade of the 21st century, smart companies and boards across all industries recognise that the pace of technological change continues to unfold at warp speed. The question in the boardroom a decade ago — “Should we invest in digital transformation?” — has transitioned to a different question today: “How much should we invest and, more important, how fast should we invest, given our…
  • Podcast

    October 5, 2020
    A Company in Your Portfolio Requires Legal Counsel – What Are Your Options? Protiviti Managing Director Rob Gould and Robert Half Managing Director Joel Wuesthoff discuss options for PE firms to access legal counsel and services. It is common for companies expanding through acquisitions to outgrow their in-house capabilities. This is often the case with legal services during acquisitions, when…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 5, 2020
    A Company in Your Portfolio Requires Legal Counsel – What Are Your Options? Protiviti Managing Director Rob Gould and Robert Half Managing Director Joel Wuesthoff discuss options for PE firms to access legal counsel and services. It is common for companies expanding through acquisitions to outgrow their in-house capabilities. This is often the case with legal services during acquisitions, when…