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  • Survey

    May 9, 2023
    Organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets and invest a fifth of their IT human resources on technical debt management. This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by technical debt and likely is an eye-opener for the CFO.[1] As organisations strive to increase their focus, and time and…
  • Whitepaper

    May 6, 2021
    A tailored virtual workshop designed to enable rapid transformation Navigating uncertainty with disruptive thinking By any measure, we are currently living in extraordinary times. Extreme disruption to our healthcare system and uncertainty are the new norm. Government policies and guidelines continue to change. In times of stress, organisations can feel pressured to become narrow in their…
  • Client Story

    February 28, 2018
    Entertainment resorts combine technology, creativity and commerce at scale to create immersive entertainment environments. The final product takes an enormous amount of work that is largely invisible to visitors. Just as a duck paddles furiously beneath the surface to create the illusion of an effortless glide, it takes concerted effort and innovation for entertainment operators to preserve the…
  • Newsletter

    April 8, 2024
    The inaugural Global Board Governance Survey conducted by Protiviti, BoardProspects and Broadridge — a study believed to be the first of its kind — summarises the views of more than 1,000 directors and C-suite executives worldwide on the role and effectiveness of the board. It provides insights regarding the board’s priorities and performance as well as the differing perspectives of directors and…
  • Newsletter

    April 10, 2024
    After decades of globalisation shaping the world order, businesses are now forced to accept a new reality. Organisations are increasingly focused on mitigating risks from non-linear, disruptive events stemming from bleeding-edge innovation, political uncertainty, new and emerging technologies, and geopolitical tensions and potential conflicts.
  • Flash Report

    March 22, 2022
    Today, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued proposed rules that would require reporting companies to enhance and standardise climate-related disclosures.  Specifically, the commission voted to approve moving forward with proposed changes related to information about climate-related risks contained in registration statements and periodic reports, such as a company’s annual…
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 4, 2022
    Corporate culture, once a rather squishy, hard-to-define concept for organisations, increasingly is a top-of-mind concern for leaders looking to create a desirable workplace for innovation and one where employees who have many choices want to remain long-term. The challenges are especially acute amid the current war for talent and the need to attract and retain the best people. And part of…
  • Client Story

    January 31, 2022
    Apparel company enhances key processes, customer experience using insights from shoppers’ digital sentimentsBusinesses generate vast amounts of data every single day, mostly so-called dark data or information that go unused. Long before the current pandemic-driven e-commerce boom, a search technology firm estimated that 7.5 septillion gigabytes of data were generated by businesses worldwide each…
  • Podcast

    September 15, 2023
    In this episode, hosted by Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason, we focus on financial inclusion, defining financial inclusion and its impact, what it means for your business, and how to manage the risk of more inclusive credit and lending practices.Alyse’s guests are Tracie Anderson of TransUnion and Shelley Metz-Galloway of Protiviti.Tracie is Principal, Economic Inclusion Strategy, U…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 15, 2023
    In this episode, hosted by Protiviti Associate Director Alyse Mauro Mason, we focus on financial inclusion, defining financial inclusion and its impact, what it means for your business, and how to manage the risk of more inclusive credit and lending practices.Alyse’s guests are Tracie Anderson of TransUnion and Shelley Metz-Galloway of Protiviti.Tracie is Principal, Economic Inclusion Strategy, U…