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Client Story

June 28, 2024

Global Financial Service Provider Prepares for New Sustainability Reporting Mandates

A global financial service provider prepares for new mandates by advancing sustainability reporting efforts, ensuring compliance and ESG integration.
When an eagle-eyed finance executive noticed that his aerospace company’s third-party spend on goods and services had soared, he sought outside experts to help rein it in. The subsequent comprehensive assessment by Protiviti revealed an opportunity for the procurement department to reduce that spending by 10 to 20 percent. Impressed with the precision of Protiviti’s spend diagnostic, the CFO enlisted Protiviti to…
Entertainment resorts combine technology, creativity and commerce at scale to create immersive entertainment environments. The final product takes an enormous amount of work that is largely invisible to visitors. Just as a duck paddles furiously beneath the surface to create the illusion of an effortless glide, it takes concerted effort and innovation for entertainment operators to preserve the sense of…