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  • Podcast Transcript
    January 26, 2022
    Nearly US$1 billion in funding poured into the quantum computing industry last year. One company, PsiQuantum, received about half of that! What are they building? Nothing less than a photonic quantum computer with a million qubits. How does this machine compare to trapped ion and transmon approaches from the competition? And, more importantly, how soon could this quantum computing behemoth be…
  • Podcast Transcript
    September 9, 2022
    Quantum volume. Algorithmic qubits. Qubit counts in general. What do they really tell us about the usability and power of a quantum computer? As we learned from classical computing, only benchmark software can really compare how systems perform different tasks. is back to discuss their SupermarQ benchmark suite that gives us real performance data for quantum hardware. Guest Speakers: …
  • News
    July 29, 2022
  • Podcast Transcript
    August 20, 2020
    It’s time for internal audit leaders and professionals to stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation. But the results of the latest Next-Generation Internal Audit survey from Protiviti show that much progress still needs to be made in growing competency levels and next-generation auditing methodologies, in advancing innovation and transformation initiatives, and in…
  • Podcast Transcript
    January 12, 2022
    We’re currently in the quantum economy 2.0. What was 1.0? We discuss this with someone who spent over two decades at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and who now consults with companies on a range of policy issues relating to the quantum economy. We also explore the business outlook for various quantum computing and sensing technologies. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis…
  • Podcast Transcript
    October 5, 2020
    A Company in Your Portfolio Requires Legal Counsel – What Are Your Options? Protiviti Managing Director Rob Gould and Robert Half Managing Director Joel Wuesthoff discuss options for PE firms to access legal counsel and services. It is common for companies expanding through acquisitions to outgrow their in-house capabilities. This is often the case with legal services during acquisitions, when…
  • Podcast Transcript
    October 8, 2020
    Welcome you to a new edition of Powerful Insights and our continuing series on cybersecurity awareness. This series is intended to highlight ways organisations can be proactive in addressing these critical security challenges. We explore how leaders can dynamically build cyber resilience while maximising value. In this series, we will be talking to our cybersecurity leaders who are in the market…
  • Podcast Transcript
    April 6, 2020
    According to one source, there are currently 1,600 job openings in quantum computing. Evidence of a skills shortage, no doubt. A shortage that is only likely to become a bigger issue moving forward. What does it take to start a quantum career path? Is a PhD a must-have? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat on becoming part of our growing industry with Denise Ruffner from Atom Computing…
  • News
    August 31, 2022
  • Podcast Transcript
    September 9, 2022
    Getting to fault-tolerant quantum computing requires improving qubit quality. The dream of engineers is the “four nines,” or 99.99 percent fidelity. Quantinuum, well known for its H1 trapped-ion system, has found a way to achieve this elusive goal. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Tony Ransford. Guest Speaker: Tony Ransford – Quantinuum