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  • Whitepaper

    September 14, 2022
    Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their colleagues are operating in one of the most complex business environments they have ever experienced. According to our 2022 Finance Trends Survey, multiple challenges are occurring together, creating a long list of priorities for finance teams to tackle. For finance leaders in the UK, the security and privacy of data (81%) remains the most important…
  • Newsletter

    September 13, 2022
    by Fran Maxwell, Managing Director People Advisory and Organisational Change Global Leader Today’s challenging business climate demands that boards of directors and executive leaders view the organisation’s talent strategy in coordination and lockstep with their strategic business objectives. High-performing organisations are deploying a new talent game plan, led by their chief human resources…
  • Infographic

    July 17, 2022
    Even in the current slow-growth environment, global e-commerce sales in 2022 are expected to exceed $5 trillion for the first time and remain on pace to surge past $7 trillion by 2025. For money launderers, the online trading boom has been a bonanza. With a few clicks of a computer, money launderers are using e-commerce sites and payment providers to process ill-gotten gains, conceal…
  • Newsletter

    July 13, 2022
    With the economic outlook constantly shifting as if it were a moving target, directors need to embrace change and set a tone of focus and confidence when looking to the future. It all starts with asking the right questions. Growth across the global economy is slowing. With the growth rate projected to shrink in 2022 and 2023 by half of what it was in 2021, business conditions have likewise…
  • Infographic

    July 15, 2022
    The global travel and tourism market has been on a bumpy recovery after losing roughly 62 million jobs in 2020, as companies adjust to disruptive government policies, changing consumer behavior and an ever-shifting demand for core products and services. In a survey conducted during a recent webinar, participants from the hospitality and airline industry shared their perspectives on…
  • Podcast

    July 21, 2022
    Shelley Metz-Galloway, US lead of Protiviti’s regulatory compliance practice, talks with Mary Bailey, regulatory compliance expert, about the US Community Reinvestment Act and how upcoming changes to the rule should improve access to credit and have a big impact on banks’ compliance and reporting. They also take a look at the status of international efforts toward fair lending. Mary Bailey CRCM,…
  • Whitepaper

    August 5, 2022
    With the increase of regulatory scrutiny and dynamic business environments in relation to financial crime issues, financial institutions are realising the importance of implementing, maintaining, and optimising a robust FCC programme. Today’s environment offers unprecedented challenges managing financial crime risks, and firms are being tested on their ability to respond timely and appropriately…
  • Video

    August 4, 2022
    Hear our experts provide a succinct overview of the latest issues and trends, helping you to keep your finger on the pulse of the changing business landscape.Join the conversation on LinkedIn #Pro100Seconds.
  • Whitepaper

    August 1, 2022
    U.S. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco has called sanctions “the new FCPA.” [1] The EU has issued a proposal that would make sanctions evasion an EU crime [2] . The U.K.’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) is under pressure from key global partners to step up its enforcement activity [3]. These developments are just a few of the signs that the national…
  • Whitepaper

    August 1, 2022
    The purpose of security analytics in an organisation Security metrics and the analysis of security information can be challenging concepts even for leading organisations. As information security professionals, most of us have been taught that in order to have a mature information security function we must both document and measure the organisation’s security capabilities. If policies are the…