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  • Whitepaper

    July 15, 2021
    The SME segment in the GCC region has been beset by a lack of access to credit with only 20% of SMEs having access to a loan or line of credit in spite of accounting for up to 80% of the businesses in the Arab region (source: Arab Monetary Fund). The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this challenge by compounding SMEs’ credit quality issues and adversely affecting their operating buffer…
  • Client Story

    May 20, 2024
    The National Strategy for Digital Transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to focus on accelerating digital transformation and improve the quality of digital services through three five-year action plans. The third action plan for the years 2020-2024 seeks to realise a smart government and develop a digital capable ecosystem with focus on cost optimisation and value maximisation, reduce…
  • Whitepaper

    September 8, 2022
    Study findings emphasize the need for Companies to strengthen Internal Control Safeguards to prevent Corporate Frauds Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) and Protiviti Member Firm for India, in association with National Foundation for Corporate Governance (NFCG) has come out with a detailed study emphasizing the need for companies to strengthen Internal Control safeguards to prevent…
  • Client Story

    July 24, 2022
    Smaller firms can’t afford to be heavily dependent on technical consultants or bound to a portfolio of siloed applications that don’t provide the ability to track data. Recently, the visionary leader of a healthcare professional association freed her business from these dilemmas. But the flexibility and strength her small team stood to gain from their digital transformation initiative were…
  • Whitepaper

    September 29, 2020
    Technology Optimization: Boosting Revenue Cycle Management COVID-19 has changed the business outlook for Healthcare Providers globally. As they revive, innovation and technology will lead the transformation program. Advanced technologies will see greater deployment in hospitals to drive innovation, boost operational efficiency and enable them to focus more on clinical outcomes and patient…
  • Survey

    May 9, 2023
    Organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets and invest a fifth of their IT human resources on technical debt management. This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by technical debt and likely is an eye-opener for the CFO.[1] As organisations strive to increase their focus, and time and…
  • Newsletter

    April 8, 2024
    The inaugural Global Board Governance Survey conducted by Protiviti, BoardProspects and Broadridge — a study believed to be the first of its kind — summarises the views of more than 1,000 directors and C-suite executives worldwide on the role and effectiveness of the board. It provides insights regarding the board’s priorities and performance as well as the differing perspectives of directors and…
  • Client Story

    January 31, 2022
    Apparel company enhances key processes, customer experience using insights from shoppers’ digital sentiments Businesses generate vast amounts of data every single day, mostly so-called dark data or information that go unused. Long before the current pandemic-driven e-commerce boom, a search technology firm estimated that 7.5 septillion gigabytes of data were generated by businesses worldwide…
  • Client Story

    February 16, 2023
    Rising energy prices and the resulting profitability typically generate a flurry of merger and acquisition activity in the oil and gas sector. The deals frequently target organisations that are independent and entrepreneurial in spirit — companies that have amassed a significant but often underdeveloped asset base and whose processes generally have not kept up with the growth of the company. The…
  • Newsletter

    January 12, 2023
    The global survey of C-level executives and directors, focused on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks, highlights the influence of the economy, people and culture issues, supply chain risks, and technology impacts on the 2023 risk landscape. The survey was conducted online in the September — October 2022 time frame to capture perspectives on 38 risks on the minds of business leaders as…