Assessing digital maturity across government transportation organisation in the Middle East

Assessing digital maturity across government transportation organisation in the Middle East

The National Strategy for Digital Transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to focus on accelerating digital transformation and improve the quality of digital services through three five-year action plans. The third action plan for the years 2020-2024 seeks to realise a smart government and develop a digital capable ecosystem with focus on cost optimisation and value maximisation, reduce costs and overheads, and ensure quality and speed.

In 2020, one of the Middle East's largest government-owned transportation and logistics companies embarked on an exploration of digital technologies, aiming to align with the company's vision and mission.

As a part of the company's digital initiative, Protiviti was engaged to do a comprehensive study on the entire business units within the firm to come up with digitisation and digitalisation opportunities.

As part of this initiative, Protiviti conducted a comprehensive examination of all shared services processes and procedures within the organisation. This involved interviewing key business stakeholders, brainstorming solutions, increasing understanding of digital technologies, and other activities. The examination spanned various departments including Supply Chain, Finance, Legal, IT, HR, and Support Services, and comprised more than 35 workshops with the business teams. As a result, over 190 processes were meticulously scrutinised, leading to a thorough gap analysis and recommendations for process enhancements.
