Global Capability Centres in India - A Survey Report
Protiviti conducted a survey of Global Capability Centres (GCCs) in India, focusing on themes around Operations, Technology, People & Strategy and impact of Covid-19 on each of the themes.
Protiviti analysed the inputs and responses received from leaders and C-Suite executives across industries to bring in insights and trends most relevant to GCCs. The report presents useful insights of Covid-19 impact on the operations of GCCs, emerging risks on account of “Work From Home” environment, human capital management and more.
This report also covers various factors which will be critical for growth in offshore industry and expected trends over the short term (1 to 2 years) and medium term (3 to 5 years) for GCCs in India.
Key Takeaways
The key findings from the survey are detailed below:
1. Minimal impact on operations during lockdown
94% of the respondents indicated that majority of their workforce was able to work from home during lockdown period and was able to successfully deliver to the on shore team
2. Extensive hiring freeze by small GCCs
Approximately 60% of the small GCCs (1000-5000 employees) are expecting hiring freeze due to the current pandemic situation as compared to the overall GCC average of 45%
3. Minimal impact on employee compensation due to lockdown
97% of the respondents highlighted that there will be none to minor impact on the employee benefits (compensation) due to the current pandemic situation
4. Hiring contractors provides staffing flexibility and required expertise
98% of the respondent organizations who are hiring, will either maintain or increase the percentage of contractual workforce
5. Employee wellbeing and IT resilience are the focus areas of discussion with onshore partners
More than 80% of the respondents highlighted that employee wellbeing and IT resilience are the top two focus areas of discussion with the onshore partners during the current pandemic