ARchiTecture of the Possible The last 18 months has drastically shifted approaches to organisational innovation. But many companies are struggling to develop a culture of innovation in their company that can support their future growth. In this virtual event, we shared some of the ideas we use to help you take practical steps in your organisation. Roland Carandang, Protiviti’s Managing Director for Technology Consulting, spoke about his experience leading client and staff innovation programmes in a remote environment and how he adapted his own thinking for his clients who are embarking on new forms of innovation. Innovation Showcase - Improving visibility of ethnic minority technology professionals Collaborating with students from London South Bank University our innovation case study demonstrates design principles which showcases technology to identifying and solve problems for the ethnic minority community. Topics Board Matters Business Performance Digital Transformation Leadership Roland Carandang Roland Carandang is a Managing Director in our London office and a global leader in cyber security and technology innovation. This practice helps organisations ensure the right people (and things) have the right access at the right time. Its major domains are Identity ... Learn more Belton Flournoy Belton Flournoy is a Managing Director within our Technology Consulting practice. He has over twelve years of professional experience working with a variety of local, national and global organisations to enhance their business performance through risk management, ... Learn More