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  • Video
    August 5, 2022
    We see firms move through different levels of maturity on their Intelligent Automation journey. However, regardless of the level of maturity, many organisations are still in the reactive phase of automation, developing ad hoc projects and tools to begin their journey. Read further insights on how to develop your Intelligent Automation journey. Where are you on your Intelligent Automation…
  • Whitepaper
    December 6, 2022
    Preparing the path for Cloud as a critical third-party solution Since the publication of the initial Cloud paper by Protiviti and Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) in November 2019, and our subsequent paper on cloud resilience in 2021, Cloud adoption has continued to increase, with the use of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and Cloud technology becoming more integral to the…
  • Newsletter
    November 29, 2023
    As they self-assess their performance periodically, audit committees may find useful the illustrative questions we have made available in our Assessment Questions for Audit Committees to Consider. Committee members should periodically assess the committee’s composition, charter and agenda focus in view of the company’s industry, circumstances, risks, financial reporting issues and current…
  • Podcast Transcript
    October 26, 2022
    Mathematics is one of the most intimidating barriers for those looking to get into quantum coding. Mention linear algebra the next time you want to grind a conversation to a halt. What if there was a resource to learn the necessary mathematics to best prepare for such a career? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Leonard Woody, the author of an excellent new book, Essential…
  • Whitepaper
    November 24, 2022
    Why technology companies should care about the EU’s Digital Services Act A new and dramatic approach to regulating big technology firms is coming into force across the European Union. The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Council signed into law on September 15, 2022, aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content…
  • Podcast
    November 30, 2022
    We’re getting close to practical advantage with quantum computing when running optimisation algorithms. Companies interested in being leaders in their industry should already be considering how to harness this promised power with use cases that solve their business problems. But some companies want a better solution that’s advantageous today, even if it’s only quantum-inspired. Join host…
  • Whitepaper
    December 11, 2022
    Governments around the globe have engaged increasingly in offensive economic-sanction tactics in response to geopolitical conflicts, social injustice and violations of basic human rights. For fear of not being able to exit positions, leery market participants and investors have been swift to react. The economic ramifications of sanctions extend beyond the borders of the sovereign nations upon…
  • Podcast
    December 10, 2022
    A fast-growing ESG topic in boardrooms and C-suites is ESG traceability – achieving transparency into the complete supply chain of goods and services. Organisations – and more importantly, their customers and clients – are seeking more transparent, secure and responsible supply chains. This is about far more than one supplier or manufacturer meeting the organisation’s ESG standards. It’s about…
  • Newsletter
    December 9, 2022
    As in prior years, our suggested 2023 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, process and technology issues and financial reporting and disclosure issues. In addition to discussing these agenda items, we have offered questions for audit committees to consider when self-assessing their own performance with respect to executing the normal ongoing activities articulated in the…
  • Blogs
    September 30, 2022
    Dealing with setbacks is a familiar part of professional life, but if they happen repeatedly, then bouncing back can be tough? Sharon Torpey speaks to Rhianne Williams from Protiviti’s iGROWW network about how she learned to build resilience the hard way.