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  • Blogs
    June 1, 2021
    The internal audit profession is changing fast and new skills will help deliver the ‘next generation’ vision. Protiviti invited Scott McArthur, a professional speaker and storyteller on the future of business, to share his thoughts at Protiviti’s Chief Audit Executive Forum in April. He explained why stories are a powerful tool.
  • Progress®Chef® is the leader in Continuous Automation software, and one of the founders of the DevOps movement. Chef works with more than a thousand of the most innovative companies around the world to deliver their vision of digital transformation, providing the practices and platform to deliver software at speed. Chef Automate is Chef’s Continuous Automation Platform which is powered by an…
  • Leadership
    Peter leads Protiviti’s focus on The Future of Work globally. In helping clients face the future with confidence in an ever more dynamic world, he emphasises rebuilding the operating model and future of work engine by empowering teams, equipping them to contribute fully in a hybrid environment and developing an underpinning culture. Prior to joining Protiviti in 2011, …
  • Het Instituut van Internal Auditors Nederland (IIA) is de grootste beroepsvereniging van internal auditors in Nederland. De missie van IIA is om het beroep en vak internal audit in Nederland te ontwikkelen en te promoten en daarvoor internal auditors, management en andere belanghebbenden te ondersteunen bij een succesvolle invulling van de internal auditfunctie. De hoofdtaken van IIA bestaan uit…
  • Partner
    L'Associazione Italiana Internal Auditors è un'associazione senza fini di lucro costituita nel 1972 e riconosciuta come affiliazione italiana dell'I.I.A. - Institute of Internal Auditors - leader mondiale per gli standard, la certificazione e la formazione per la professione di Internal Auditor. Con oltre 4.600 soci, in rappresentanza circa 900 aziende, AIIA rappresenta da sempre un punto di…
  • Blogs
    July 6, 2021
    Protiviti’s 2021 Global Finance Survey launches this month, and we are keen to hear from leaders across the UK about the issues that matter most to them A tsunami is sweeping across the commercial landscape. The past year has profoundly influenced people’s view of work and given companies time to assess their business models. Some have also doubled down on sustainability, health and wellbeing,…
  • Partner
    ANRA è l'associazione che dal 1972 raggruppa i risk manager e i responsabili delle assicurazioni aziendali. L'associazione opera attraverso la sede di Milano e vari corrispondenti regionali. ANRA è il punto di riferimento in Italia per diffondere la cultura d'impresa attraverso la gestione del rischio e delle assicurazioni in azienda. ANRA è costituita da Risk Officer, Risk Manager ed Insurance…
  • Blogs
    July 6, 2021
    Protiviti’s 2021 Global Finance Survey launches this month, and we are keen to hear from leaders across the UK about the issues that matter most to them Sustainability is often referred to in business. Like ‘corporate social responsibility’ a decade ago, the word has been used with good intentions. But some companies have been criticised for ‘greenwashing’: making themselves sound better at…
  • Leadership
    Tom is Protiviti’s UK Country Market Leader and leads our UK Technology Consulting practice. He has over 20 years of consulting experience and joined Protiviti in 2004 to help launch the UK business. Tom has considerable experience providing technology, risk, compliance and internal audit solutions to large global clients across multiple industries.  He specialises in technology strategy and…
  • Blogs
    July 9, 2021
    After publication of the UK regulators’ policy statements containing their final rules, chief operating officers should consider the following: Adapting the lessons learned from the pandemic, engaging third-party suppliers, and improving customer communication. Protiviti UK’s Country Market Leader Tom Lemon and Director Laura Moore explain. In April 2018, a major high street bank began…