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  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti provides a wide variety of consultative services designed to assist organisations in all aspects of AML/Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) compliance.
  • Solution and Industry
    The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has issued the final updates to the 2024 UK Corporate Governance Code following a 12-week consultation period. The initiative is part of the 'Restoring Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance' reform package and is the first major update to the Code since 2018. As reported in November 2023’s FRC Policy Update, after receiving feedback, much of the existing…
  • Survey
    January 16, 2023
    2022 has been an exigent year for the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industry. Many companies continued transformations accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, even as they faced an intensifying regulatory environment, geopolitical turmoil and supply chain disruptions.Heading into the new year, companies again are adjusting for more uncertainty and headwinds. The …
  • Survey
    January 13, 2023
    Global economic uncertainty, inflation and supply chain disruptions are major headwinds facing the consumer products and services industry group, and particularly consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail companies, heading into the new year. Separately, for airlines and hospitality companies, the potential impact of an unexpected crisis on revenue and resistance to cultural changes are the top…
  • News
    January 12, 2022
  • Solution and Industry
    Today, the manufacturing and distribution industry faces unique and complex challenges on a global scale. Even smaller organisations must navigate suppliers, logistics, and regulations from different parts of the world. As organisations search for ways to drive innovation in how they design, produce, and deliver, they often struggle to implement those changes for long-lasting value.These…
  • Solution and Industry
    We focus on aligning Master Data Management (MDM) solutions with your business goals and vision. We understand that a single version of the truth for key data domains is critical to drive business growth, but how to accomplish that can vary. Our teams will work with you to implement a solution that meets your organisation's unique environment, while leveraging both general data and industry…
  • Whitepaper
    July 13, 2021
    Identity management doesn’t happen overnight; there’s no “Easy” button to press, or magic snap-of-the-fingers instant fix. In fact, identity management has transformed into something far more complex than password authentication and simple security measures. It’s important to understand that jumping into a new technology instantaneously isn’t necessarily the right first step to ensuring a…
  • Whitepaper
    July 12, 2021
    In spite of over 20 years of experience as an industry, Identity & Access Management (IAM) programmes continue to struggle — and with good reason. There is a lot that can go wrong with an IAM programme. Lack of funding, treating IAM like a project and not a programme, not having business buy-in, and trying to overly customise packaged software are all examples of significant challenges that…
  • Solution and Industry
    Technology is an enabler for driving business innovation, market advantage, and improved customer experience. However, not having a clear understanding of threats and the controls needed to mitigate technology risk may cause loss, increased costs, and non-compliance.Our technology risk management services help you develop a robust IT risk management plan as part of your overall operational risk…