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  • Solution and Industry
    Construction and infrastructure development have remained a cornerstone of society and have increased our living standards for centuries. At Protiviti, we focus on issues that matter most in the physical world around us, and how we can improve health, education, transport and other asset classes which will sustain our future generations. There is increasing demand for construction and modern…
  • Solution and Industry
    Non-profit organisations innovate each day to positively impact their communities, be they local, national, or global. While driven by a mission beyond profit, they still face the business realities of understanding and meeting the needs of those they serve, leveraging technology to drive efficiency and great experiences, and operating an effective and well-controlled operation to maximise impact…
  • Solution and Industry
    The complexity of risks facing life sciences and pharmaceutical companies is greater than ever before. From IP protection to areas such as drug pricing, reduced funding for all but specific biotechnology research, tax reform, supply chain challenges and tariffs, we understand the impact these risks have on how life sciences and pharmaceutical companies do business. We build custom solutions that…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti provides end-to-end solutions and professional services to organisations engaged with blockchain and digital assets. These services range from product/use case assessment, advisory, strategy, architecture, build, testing, security and privacy, risk and compliance and internal audit solutions. They are offered to clients building products and services on blockchain-based infrastructure…
  • Solution and Industry
    The global pandemic may have limited our ability to physically interact with one another, but it did not break our innate need to experience life together. Companies that continue to adapt to this new reality while remaining focused on the human need for personal interaction and memorable experiences will thrive today and tomorrow. At the industry’s resilient core are steadfast companies and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Governments are entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities including maintaining security, promoting and supporting economic growth, meeting the needs of their citizens, and maintaining infrastructure. In fulfilling these responsibilities, governments face many challenges such as attracting top talent, protecting the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information, managing major…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti Private Equity consulting experts focus on the Private Equity firms’ deal thesis for each portfolio company, balancing strong EBITDA growth with prudent controls and compliance. Our approach is one of collaboration and communication with the PE firm and portfolio executives, always mindful of the purpose for which we are hired with an emphasis on speed, quality, ROI and client…
  • Solution and Industry
    Retail innovation and transformation has become the imperative for companies that want to remain relevant and competitive. Customer expectations and behaviors are driving incredible change across the retail sector. From the growth of ecommerce to an increased focus on omnichannel, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and the supply chain ecosystem, retail organisations face a vast…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti partners with power, utilities and renewables leaders to help achieve greater confidence in changing environments. In today’s rapidly evolving environment, a trusted advisor — who not only provides relevant insights but delivers a combination of strategic vision, proven expertise and practical experience — can enhance the value of your business. With our diverse history of working…
  • Solution and Industry
    We are deeply embedded in the Oil & Gas and Mining business. Our global industry team is geographically dispersed in the key O&G and Mining business centres around the world, which enables constant contact with the major players in the industry. Our team regularly interacts to share those insights and stay ahead of the trends that are shaped by the ever changing environment. Protiviti’s…