Compliance Insights

Can we trust culture and conduct to guide decision making in the financial services industry?

Why it matters: More than 15 years after the great financial crisis, the financial industry’s culture and conduct remain very much in the headlines. Has nothing changed?

Big picture: A lot has indeed changed, though bad actors still manage to prevail at times. Maintaining good culture and conduct relies on the collective efforts and responses of financial institutions, regulators, and customers.

Call to action: We itemise a list of steps for senior management and boards of directors to establish and sustain a strong culture and ethical conduct within their institutions.

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Value of Compliance Webinar – On Demand

Maximising Readiness and Resiliency in the Face of Regulatory Change

In today’s increasingly dynamic regulatory environment, change may indeed be the only constant.  Institutions that adapt not only effectively but efficiently achieve significant competitive advantages, however, this journey is more often a marathon than it is a sprint – and frankly, navigating recent regulatory hurdles requires more agility than ever.  What differentiates institutions that manage regulatory changes with agility?

Join us as we explore this question and discuss strategies for optimising regulatory resiliency with industry leaders who have deep experience managing regulatory change. We will explore tips and best practices for embracing agility, improving resiliency and maximising technology enablers.

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In Case You Missed It

The world is changing fast. We brings global perspectices from our risk and compliance experts to help you navigate risks in an agile manner, enhance your risk management and compliance capabilities and promote success and innovation in your organisation. Check out some of our recent publications below.

SIFMA’s Quantum Dawn VII After-Action Report

The latest iteration of SIFMA’s biannual cybersecurity exercise focused on the outage of a critical third-party service provider. The simulation and concluding survey found many financial institutions are already experienced with the loss of a critical third-party, with protocols established for managing the outage. With such outages increasingly commonplace and regulators holding firms responsible for any breaches that result, it is vital for the financial services industry to establish, maintain, and test response and recovery plans for their critical third parties.

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DORA Compliance: Untangling Key Hurdles to Implementation

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), or more formally known as Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, took effect on 16 January 2023, with final industry compliance required by 17 January 2025. The regulation underscores the importance of digital operational resilience in today’s increasingly interconnected and digitised landscape and seeks to expand the reach of European regulators incorporating both financial institutions that operate in Europe and providers of information and communication technology (ICT) to these firms.

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Mastering Data Dilemmas: Navigating Privacy, Localisation and Sovereignty

In today's digital age, data privacy management is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. With the ever-changing regulatory landscape surrounding data protection, organisations must adapt swiftly to ensure compliance and maintain trust with their customers and stakeholders. However, both data sovereignty and localisation play an important role in privacy, as discussed in a previous post “How data sovereignty and data localisation impact your privacy programmes.”

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Sanctions Risk Assessment: A Key Risk Management Tool

Faced with the growing complexity of the geopolitical landscape, governments have been using financial sanctions increasingly as foreign policy tools to respond to developments as wide ranging as regional conflicts and wars, terrorism, and human slavery. In today’s highly charged geopolitical environment, sanctions compliance is a focus not only for financial institutions and regulatory authorities, but also for investors, the media and the public. It is critical for financial institutions (FIs) to assess their exposure to sanctions-related risks and the adequacy of their control systems, both to avoid fines and penalties and to safeguard the institution’s reputation.

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Mastering Data Dilemmas: Navigating Privacy, Localisation and Sovereignty

In today's digital age, data privacy management is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. With the ever-changing regulatory landscape surrounding data protection, organisations must adapt swiftly to ensure compliance and maintain trust with their customers and stakeholders. However, both data sovereignty and localisation play an important role in privacy.

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Insights on the Global Compliance Landscape

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