M&A Consulting

Providing guidance and expertise to navigate every step of the M&A process.

Transactions bring added complexity to organisations and their various business units. When working with Protiviti, complexity becomes simplicity.

Mergers & acquisitions are a great way to drive growth, stay competitive, and increase shareholder value. The M&A process is one of the most challenging endeavour a company can undertake. Protiviti’s M&A Consulting solution provides the guidance and expertise needed to navigate every step of the process.

Complexity becomes simplicity with Protiviti

Our M&A consulting services

Pro Briefcase

IPO Readiness

Preparing to become a public company is time-consuming and complex. Once public, companies need to meet a new set of requirements and expectations. The Protiviti experts assist management with all stages of an initial public offering (IPO) and beyond.

Pro Document Consent

Managed Solutions

Managed Business Solutions seamlessly integrates world-class solution-based consulting with the largest global network of highly-skilled, specialised staffing resources.

Protiviti’s framework for mergers and acquisitions

Our approach

Protiviti offers a unique approach based on decades of hands-on corporate leadership roles in transitions to help guide organisations through the rigorous and often chaotic transaction lifecycle. Our M&A consulting team assists clients in all aspects of preparing, planning, managing, supporting, and cleaning up all components arising from integration or divestiture activity.

Protiviti’s M&A framework provides a starting point for answering the core questions identified in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals – from due diligence to the integration of people, processes and technology, supported by key project and change management enablers.

Our Playbook for Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures is a crucial resource for any company going through the M&A Process.

View Playbook
Transactions tend to fall short of their overall goal when attempted to tackle alone and unprepared

How we help

“Protiviti successfully delivered four integrations simultaneously while standing up our M&A function – truly an amazing customer experience!”

CIO, Head of Integrations - Fortune 500 Tech Company

With the help of our dedicated team of professionals, clients can feel that their business and people are in good hands throughout the entirety of their transaction.

M&A transactions are like assembling a complex puzzle with thousands of unique pieces. Companies will need to consider the following to capture the targeted value:

  • carefully articulate a growth strategy that aligns with overall corporate strategy
  • identify the right markets and targets
  • define and execute a thorough but fast-paced diligence process
  • prepare a detailed integration plan by phases; and
  • follow up with a well-resourced and communicated integration execution across many complex functions, dispersed technologies and geographies

The chaos, speed, and pressure that transactions bring can overwhelm organisations that do not have the proper protocols and procedures in place. When attempting to tackle transactions alone and unprepared, organisations realise that their transactions tend to fall short of their overall goal.

Transactions tend to fall short of their overall goal when attempted to tackle alone and unprepared
Leveraging our “readiness” framework


Transactions are often untimely and inherently disruptive to operations. Our M&A consulting experts have a proprietary process leveraging our “readiness” framework that can be completed in a matter of hours or over a multi-day workshop specifically designed to help our clients prepare for their next transaction activity.

Readiness sessions typically include:

  • Define transaction guiding principles and develop success metrics (i.e., synergies)
  • Develop comms and change management plans and stand-up Diligence Management Office
  • Execute readiness workshops with key stakeholders and define 30-, 60-, and 100-day plans
Identifying what is important to specific transaction


Protiviti’s M&A consulting team of seasoned deal-professionals assists client with identifying what is important to their specific transaction and mapping these activities to a functional integration or separation plan, all with fitting into the “big picture” and achieving financial metrics as outlined in the deal model.

Our key focus areas include:

  • Define Target Operating Model (TOM) and Establish transaction governance structure and identify core closing activities
  • Develop Day 1 execution plan and finalise key milestones
  • Identify critical resource requirements and and align critical dependencies
Identifying what is important to specific transaction
Support post-deal management activities


Once the deal is closed, it’s up to the transaction management office to successful combine or separate operations and transition to business as usual.

Our M&A consulting team will support post-deal management activities by:

  • Set-up transaction management office
  • Develop detailed post close execution plans and deliver human capital transition plan
  • Stand-up and staff closing “situation room” and Implement risk plan
Transactions brings in extra work for an organisation


The usual day-to-day requirements don’t stop during a transaction. We support workstreams as strategic advisors or as “boots on the ground” to alleviate pressures on existing employees. Our typical focus areas are IT, Human Capital, Supply Chain, Communications, Finance / Accounting (Treasury, FP&A, AP, AR), as well as legal support relating to contract rationalisation.

  • Manage transaction work stream(s) and operationalise “master plan” from transaction management office
  • Develop and execute synergy identification and validation
  • Develop, implement, and execute reporting mechanism and monitor resource leveling and staff augmentation requirements
Transactions brings in extra work for an organisation
Identification of synergies across all workstreams

Clean up

Once a transaction is completed and transitioning to business as usual, clients are often expected to realise synergies set forth in the deal thesis. Our team of professionals is experienced in identification of synergies across workstreams, implementation and monitoring of financial performance metrics. Our M&A Consulting professionals can also clean up back-office functions that arise from combining ERP’s and other various systems into one unified operating system.

Our focus areas include:

  • Address performance and demand issues while also filling operational roles
  • Stand-up new or relocate existing functions
  • Clean-up accounting and risk backlog
Analyse and assess your transaction activities


No matter how many transactions you’ve completed, our M&A consulting experts can help analyse and assess your transaction activities for better future results. We can perform “look back” assessments on current and prior activities to identify pain points and better prepare your organisation for the next transaction.

Analyse and assess your transaction activities