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  • Blogs

    March 26, 2021
    About John Ashcroft We are delighted to be partnering with Dr John Ashcroft to bring you the latest in a series of quarterly briefings and monthly updates on the UK and world economy. We will be looking at markets, growth and inflation and what this means for the UK finding its feet post-Brexit on the globally stage. John Ashcroft PhD, BSC.(Econ) FRSA CBIM is author of The Saturday Economist, a…
  • Video

    March 4, 2021
    Our Road to Recovery – Deciphering the Spring Budget 2021, Quarterly Economic Update  Join us at 8am on Thursday 4 March, the morning after the Budget, to explore the prospects for the British economy, businesses and communities. Are we set to ‘bounce back like a coiled spring’, as our Chief Economist Andy Haldane predicts? Where do the opportunities lie? How will our recovery be affected…
  • Newsletter

    January 12, 2023
    The global survey of C-level executives and directors, focused on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks, highlights the influence of the economy, people and culture issues, supply chain risks, and technology impacts on the 2023 risk landscape. The survey was conducted online in the September — October 2022 time frame to capture perspectives on 38 risks on the minds of business leaders as…
  • Newsletter

    February 8, 2023
    A global survey conducted online during the September/October time frame by Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative of 1,304 C-level executives and directors highlights a disruptive risk landscape over the next 10 years. The table below ranks the highest-rated risk themes in order of priority:
  • Newsletter

    February 16, 2022
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors regarding their views on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks highlights a disruptive risk landscape over the next decade through 2031. In the attached pdf, we rank the highest-rated risk themes in order of priority to provide a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies face looking forward over…
  • Podcast Transcript

    November 16, 2021
    D-Wave has been making quantum computers for over a decade, and their annealers excel at optimisation. If you look at the use cases the company has been helping customers with – saving time, money or both - it almost feels like quantum advantage is here. During this podcast, we discuss the power of annealers from D-Wave and how organisations can take advantage of the benefits today. Guest…
  • Video

    August 5, 2022
    We see firms move through different levels of maturity on their Intelligent Automation journey. However, regardless of the level of maturity, many organisations are still in the reactive phase of automation, developing ad hoc projects and tools to begin their journey. Read further insights on how to develop your Intelligent Automation journey. Where are you on your Intelligent Automation…
  • Whitepaper

    April 24, 2024
    Faced with the growing complexity of the geopolitical landscape, governments have been using financial sanctions increasingly as foreign policy tools to respond to developments as wide ranging as regional conflicts and wars, terrorism, and human slavery. In today’s highly charged geopolitical environment, sanctions compliance is a focus not only for financial institutions and regulatory…
  • Whitepaper

    July 23, 2024
    Hospital Price Transparency Rule - CMS has finalized new changes to increase standardization of the machine-readable files (MRF) to help deliver on the promise of hospital price transparency. Ensure that your hospital complies to enhance the public’s ability to access and aggregate information and streamline CMS’s ability to enforce the requirements. 
  • Blogs

    January 26, 2022
    Beginning March 2022, financial firms will be subject to new regulations aimed at minimising the harm from operational disruption. At the UK Finance COO Forum in December, participants shared how they are approaching implementation of the regulation and their overall thoughts on the impact of the impending rules.