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  • Survey

    March 29, 2023
    Technology leaders are exploring new ways to drive innovation and maximise the value of IT in a changing world driven by disruption and a need for acceleration Executive Summary Innovation is the name of the game in today’s global market. Recognising this new reality, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and other technology executives and leaders are exploring new ways to fuel innovation throughout their…
  • Whitepaper

    May 28, 2024
    The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), or more formally known as Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, took effect on 16 January 2023, with final industry compliance required by 17 January 2025. The regulation underscores the importance of digital operational resilience in today’s increasingly interconnected and digitized landscape and seeks to expand the reach of European regulators incorporating…
  • Newsletter

    June 21, 2024
    Can financial institutions manage effectively in a world where issues and breaches are known to regulators before the chief compliance officer or anyone else in the organization even learns about them? Are Compliance departments — and the institutions they serve — prepared to keep pace with the regulators’ efforts to develop data-driven insights? Or will they find themselves continually on the…
  • Client Story

    April 19, 2024
    Protiviti partnered with a rural lifestyle retailer client to assess its Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) program and architecture. 
  • Whitepaper

    March 21, 2023
    The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has long warned that criminals leverage virtual assets not only for predicate or money-laundering offenses but also to evade financial sanctions and raise funds to support terrorism. Even so, the number of recent headlines about criminal activity and sanctions evasion in the crypto industry is alarming. Cryptocurrency-based crime hit an all-time high of $20.…
  • Newsletter

    February 12, 2021
    Like any enterprisewide organisational change, implementing an operational resilience programme across an organisation requires a careful and collaborative effort to be successful. Whether implementation has been in the works for several years or is just beginning, turning the resilience programme from concept to reality is hard work. Except for the most dynamic and change-oriented organisations…
  • Whitepaper

    October 22, 2020
    Contrary to popular belief, criminals — insiders or outsiders — are not the most common cause of major operational failures. Technology is the biggest culprit. The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, robotic process automation (RPA), cloud computing and other technologies continues to transform finance. It has created a mix of technological risks that frequently disrupt…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 5, 2022
    It’s hard to improve the purity of an atom. Identical and easy to find, atoms such as those in ytterbium can make flawless qubits. We only need to be able to trap and control them. Can using trapped ions as qubits therefore yield the most powerful quantum computers on the planet? How scalable is this approach on the road to quantum advantage? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about…
  • Podcast

    November 1, 2022
    It’s hard to improve the purity of an atom. Identical and easy to find, atoms such as those in ytterbium can make flawless qubits. We only need to be able to trap and control them. Can using trapped ions as qubits therefore yield the most powerful quantum computers on the planet? How scalable is this approach on the road to quantum advantage? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about…
  • Podcast

    September 21, 2022
    Are you interested in becoming a quantum coder? The job market looks as large as the machines are cold. We’re all struggling in the quantum computing industry to find talent. Do you have what it takes? You may even be able to get started with less experience than you think. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat about the path to this exciting career with Peter Noell from ColdQuanta. …