Insight Search Search Submit Sort by: Relevance Date Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Blogs April 15, 2021 Customer Experience – How online retail changed the game for COOs Operational excellence has changed, from cost reduction to customer focus, a trend widely influenced by online retailers including Amazon. Companies following this path have seen big gains in their customer approval ratings and achieved increased productivity and efficiency as a result. Some organisations have appointed leaders to look after customer journeys, as they seek to develop world-… Whitepaper June 12, 2020 The FCA Focus on Payment Firms Continues The FCA’s Business Plan 2020/21 highlights that payment services are an FCA priority for supervision and, more significantly, for intervention. In the light of the FCA’s review and reprioritisation of risks to its stated Objectives in the light of the Coronavirus, it has identified significant risks in relation to Payment Services Providers (including Payment Institutions and E-money institutions… Whitepaper September 14, 2022 Global Finance Trends 2022 – A UK Perspective Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their colleagues are operating in one of the most complex business environments they have ever experienced. According to our 2022 Finance Trends Survey, multiple challenges are occurring together, creating a long list of priorities for finance teams to tackle. For finance leaders in the UK, the security and privacy of data (81%) remains the most important… Blogs August 25, 2020 Chief Audit Executive Forum ‒ Perspectives on Internal Audit based on Shared Experiences The consequences of COVID–19 have changed the risk landscape. Internal audit functions need to be closely aligned with, and responsive to, rapidly evolving business demands and priorities more now than ever before. Increasingly, they need to operate in more flexible and agile ways to remain relevant and support their organisation to accomplish its objectives. Our virtual Chief Audit Executive (… Newsletter August 23, 2023 The Director’s Playbook for Generative AI The big picture: So much has been written about generative AI (GenAI), it seems like a constant buzz inspiring both wonder and fear. But the value proposition is alluring. After witnessing OpenAI’s ChatGPT in action, Bill Gates said, “I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.”Between the lines: The opportunities for using GenAI to enhance… Whitepaper May 30, 2023 Reshaping Loan Servicing Compliance Servicers in lending organizations are challenged with navigating economic headwinds that are pushing delinquency- and default-rate projections higher. This task has been complicated by increased global regulatory focus and dynamic customer expectations, which are further providing impetus for servicers to reassess existing strategies and processes from a compliance perspective while continuing… Blogs March 4, 2021 Webinar - The new security landscape In February 2021, more than 30 security professionals joined Protiviti to explore cyber security planning and Microsoft’s security strategy. In a series of presentations, they were asked to think differently about their approach to security, before taking part in a series of live polls canvassing their opinions on the industry. Video February 4, 2021 Collaboration Forum Series 4: Optimism in tough times (Week-3) Making Innovation Happen - a foundation for renewal and recovery Josh Valman, a world leader in rapid innovation, will share his global industry perspectives around creating and managing innovation, turning ideas into reality, managing risk and measuring success. Join us at 8 am on Thursday, 4 February to be inspired and challenged! Blogs May 9, 2021 Collaboration Forum Series 5: Building a brighter future (Week-3) How will the healthcare industry evolve to meet the demands of a post-pandemic society? Our healthcare systems have been under strain like never before and our reliance on them is greater than ever. Yet, with challenge has come resilience, progress and achievement. How has the industry evolved in the last 12 months and what can your workplace learn from this? What have been the advances… Blogs May 10, 2021 ‘People-first’: Let’s reframe cyber-security risks Lots has been written recently about the cyber-security risk of remote working: larger attack surfaces, more informal surroundings and the upturn in threats, have all been contributing factors. Roland Carandang, Managing Director at Protiviti recently wrote a blog for our sister company Robert Half on how companies are getting better at preventing attacks. According to him the… Load More