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  • Podcast Transcript

    November 16, 2021
    D-Wave has been making quantum computers for over a decade, and their annealers excel at optimisation. If you look at the use cases the company has been helping customers with – saving time, money or both - it almost feels like quantum advantage is here. During this podcast, we discuss the power of annealers from D-Wave and how organisations can take advantage of the benefits today. Guest…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 9, 2022
    Quantum volume. Algorithmic qubits. Qubit counts in general. What do they really tell us about the usability and power of a quantum computer? As we learned from classical computing, only benchmark software can really compare how systems perform different tasks. is back to discuss their SupermarQ benchmark suite that gives us real performance data for quantum hardware. Guest Speakers: …
  • Podcast

    June 27, 2024
    In this episode of Powerful Insights, we talk about all things around readiness for an initial public offering, or IPO. And spoiler alert, there is a lot to address: accounting, financial reporting, cybersecurity, and even ESG and climate reporting.
  • Whitepaper

    July 14, 2021
    The Microsoft 365 platform transforms how every member of an organisation  chats,  emails,  shares files and performs the essential tasks inherent to all corporate roles. A comprehensive approach to Microsoft 365 deployment planning will ensure the efficiency, cost saving and employee satisfaction that the Microsoft 365 investment has the potential to deliver. Widely available guidance for…
  • Podcast Transcript

    August 20, 2020
    It’s time for internal audit leaders and professionals to stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation. But the results of the latest Next-Generation Internal Audit survey from Protiviti show that much progress still needs to be made in growing competency levels and next-generation auditing methodologies, in advancing innovation and transformation initiatives, and in…
  • Survey

    August 12, 2020
    Exploring the Next Generation of Internal Auditing In recent years, mammoth waves of disruption have both buffeted and ignited organisations in their drive to change and stay relevant. Not surprisingly, internal audit functions have seen the effects. It’s now time for internal audit leaders and their teams to take the initiative, stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation…
  • Podcast

    August 20, 2020
    It’s time for internal audit leaders and professionals to stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation. But the results of the latest Next-Generation Internal Audit survey from Protiviti show that much progress still needs to be made in growing competency levels and next-generation auditing methodologies, in advancing innovation and transformation initiatives, and in…
  • Podcast

    April 5, 2022
    “It's the end of the work as we know it, and I feel fine.” Our colleague Joe Kornik, Editor-in-Chief of VISION by Protiviti (, wrote this in his latest feature article. This is true, but there also are many questions around the future of work, how we're going to balance work schedules, when and how frequently we’ll go into the office, how we’ll leverage new and…
  • Podcast Transcript

    March 28, 2023
    Over the past year, as one crypto organisation after another has been beset by fraud or declared bankruptcy, countless headlines have surfaced warning of the death of the crypto industry. Yet the damage has been largely contained. The developments have raised many questions about digital assets, cryptocurrency and blockchain technology as well as regulation and other factors that may help the…
  • Video

    June 23, 2023
    A new and dramatic approach to regulating big technology firms is coming into force across the European Union. The Digital Services Act (DSA), which the European Council signed into law on September 15, 2022, aims to protect the digital space against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content sharing platforms and e-commerce sites. The countdown has begun for entities…