Data Science, Machine Learning and AI

The pandemic, supply-chain issues, shutting down of major economies have caused unprecedented disruption in day-to-day operations of almost every organisation, whether small or large, public or private. As a result, business and IT leaders are looking for new ways to operate effectively, further leverage data and plan ahead more accurately.

Many companies are embracing machine learning for improved decision making, simplification of the IT landscape and automation for streamlining their operations to increase their competitive edge and enhance customer experience.

With its deep consulting and technical expertise, Protiviti offers its clients the knowledge, frameworks, accelerators, and support required for establishing a machine learning operations (MLOps) capability in their organisations.

We help our clients by implementing a cost-effective, scalable infrastructure that enables automation, development, and operationalising ML and MLOps solutions. We have an experienced AI-DevOps team that focuses on the following 3 key pillars for a faster, controlled, industry-scale delivery of AI into production:

  • Process & governance – Establishing enterprise governance ensuring controlled delivery of validated AI/ML models in line with the changing government/industry regulations, rapid feedback and model iterations. 
  • Skills & tooling – Use of most advanced tools with skills to deliver the end-to-end programme.
  • Automation & Infrastructure – Automate deployment and testing to ensure high cadence and iterative development to continuously improve model performance.

Effective use of data science and AI is a necessity for businesses to remain current in today’s market. Our team is experienced in developing and deploying scalable MLOps workloads using tools like Databricks MLflow, Azure Machine Learning and Snowflake. We have certified Data Science practitioners who can use Python, R, Java and MATLAB programming languages to suit your technology stack.

Effective use of data science and AI is a necessity for businesses to remain current in today’s market

Our capabilities

Pro Briefcase

Realise potential

Augment your AI/ML teams with our experts to accelerate delivery and swiftly iterate through pilots to develop unbiased, interpretable, and explainable models necessary to realise business potential early on.

Pro Building office

Package & Deploy

Our AI/ML engineers and architects can design and build your cloud infrastructure tailored to seamlessly integrate into your existing system architectures, delivery models and internal IT operational environments.

Pro Document Files

Operate at scale

Deliver business value and improved ROI across the entire enterprise by using cloud based microservices and active monitoring of your ML models on cloud platforms. Identify model drift and trigger automated retraining pipelines using automation.

We help our clients confidently develop and release AI/ML models

Our approach

At Protiviti, we help our clients confidently develop and release AI/ML models into production with the knowledge that your solutions are robust, trusted and fit for real-world use.

Our experts build automation MLOps pipelines for management and control of intelligent solutions across the enterprise with continual improvement, integration, and deployment.

We help our clients confidently develop and release AI/ML models