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“Build a level of resilience…” In conversation with Rhianne Williams


June 10, 2024

“Build a level of resilience…” In conversation with Rhianne Williams

From an international upbringing to aspirations of working for the UK Foreign Office, Rhianne Williams, Senior Business Development Manager at Protiviti UK, has had a varied and diverse career – with a recent highlight being invited to join the UK UN Women CSW68 conference as a delegate. She shares valuable lessons learned, her views on gender parity and deeply...
The Future of Work, The Workforce and Workplaces  What are the new ways of working in the company of the future? How are companies looking at balancing purpose and profit? What will define the future of the workforce and workplaces? How can companies meet the needs of the future workforce as future workers shape the purpose of the companies they work for? In this session, Peter Richardson, Matt Weston and James…
The Future of Technology on Business, Cities and Society How should we embrace the technological opportunities that surround us today? How should we balance unlocking the power of AI with our responsibilities to our colleagues, our family, our society? How do we empower ourselves and what does the future of work and our city look like? One of the world’s leading technology entrepreneurs Dr Ayesha Khanna joined our…
Future of retail – how COVID-19 has accelerated the speed of change  Jon White (Finance Director - Retail, Pets at Home) and Daniel Bobroff (Founder of Coded Futures, Retail Tech Evangelist & Advisor) joined our collaboration forum to discuss ‘The future of retail’. Listen to the session recording to understand how COVID-19 has accelerated the speed of change and the role of the high-street.
Rapid innovation, citizen developers and low-code technology are buzz phrases that make headlines. But how can these trends actually contribute to the digital transformation companies crave? Roland Carandang, managing director in Protiviti’s Technology Consulting practice, looks at the building blocks to bring these ideas to life. Citizen developers are coming to the fore. These curious individuals, who can be…
What are the UK AML requirements for law firms? The UK’s Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017 (MLR2017) transposed the requirements under the EU 4th AML Directive (4AMLD), which brought law firms into scope for the respective AML requirements as of 26 June 2017. In recent years, these requirements have been amended and guidance has been published to aid compliance with the…
The future of the economy post-COVID-19: what’s next for consumers, workers and businesses?  What does our post-pandemic future look like? Who are most likely to be the winners and the losers in the months and years to come? Has the economic damage caused by the pandemic caused irreversible damage or created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our economy and society and keep the UK globally competitive…
Dr John Ashcroft, the Saturday Economist reports ahead of the budget. About John Ashcroft We are delighted to be partnering with Dr John Ashcroft to bring you the latest in a series of quarterly briefings and monthly updates on the UK and world economy. We will be looking at markets, growth and inflation and what this means for the UK finding its feet post-Brexit on the globally stage. John Ashcroft PhD, BSC.(…
The internal audit profession is changing fast and new skills will help deliver the ‘next generation’ vision. Protiviti invited Scott McArthur, a professional speaker and storyteller on the future of business, to share his thoughts at Protiviti’s Chief Audit Executive Forum in April. He explained why stories are a powerful tool.
The post-pandemic working world continues to make headlines. But after a year of working at home and thinking about the future, Protiviti’s Peter Richardson believes an important viewpoint is missing. In this article, the firm’s new global lead for the future of work outlines why his clients are at the centre of his vision. The team at Protiviti has now worked remotely for more than a year. Like many businesses, we…
The Future of Technology – Are you Ready for the Tech Storm? Every day we are tempted by new technology to solve our business and personal challenges. The pace of technology innovation and creativity has never been so high, solving problems we don’t even know we have. How do we choose and embrace the right technology? How can technology shape our future success? What is the impact of choosing the wrong technology?…