Insight Search Search Submit Sort by: Relevance Date Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Whitepaper September 29, 2020 Revenue Cycle Management in Healthcare Technology Optimization: Boosting Revenue Cycle Management COVID-19 has changed the business outlook for Healthcare Providers globally. As they revive, innovation and technology will lead the transformation program. Advanced technologies will see greater deployment in hospitals to drive innovation, boost operational efficiency and enable them to focus more on clinical outcomes and patient… Client Story March 6, 2024 Global Payments Leader Improves Contract Lifecycle Management Processes Protiviti helped our client select and implement a lifecycle management system including PMO activities, process design contract and business requirements documentation, legacy contract data extraction, super user training and UAT. Client Story May 26, 2023 Transforming risk culture from the bottom up: A global insurance provider’s RCSA journey A leading global property and casualty insurance provider set out to transform its risk controls as part of an ongoing effort to promote a culture of excellence. Siloed knowledge of operational risk and controls made it difficult for the organisation to improve quality and compliance. Establishing awareness of vulnerabilities and mitigation protocols across the organisation would boost regulatory… Client Story June 16, 2023 Global Leader in Design Software Hardens Its Platform Infrastructure to Meet FedRamp Compliance Requirements This global leader in software for designers, builders, engineers and others has worked to provide a solid platform across a multitude of industries. However, recent changes in FedRamp compliance requirements drove them to develop a new instance of its product platform, hardening their infrastructure for customers in the public sector. Whitepaper October 10, 2023 Success With Generative AI Requires Balancing Risk With Reward When ChatGPT launched in November 2022, it took just two months to garner a record 100 million users and capture broad market attention. Business leaders are eager to realize the enormous potential that ChatGPT as well as other generative AI models can offer. Newsletter October 9, 2024 Board Risk Reporting in Disruptive Times Risk reporting to the board may not be fit for purpose in these uncertain times. Directors are trending toward expecting more dialogue, engagement and forward-looking insights based on relevant data and information. A principled approach would help.Boards and their companies face a constant and seemingly unending state of flux in the marketplace. Emergence of the unexpected is the norm. For… Whitepaper September 19, 2022 2022 IT Audit Technology Risks in Tech, Media & Telecom Survey Shows Elevated Concerns Around Cybersecurity, Privacy and Compliance for the Technology, Media and Telecom Industry For the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industry, the greatest IT audit concerns in 2022 lie with cybersecurity-related breaches, privacy and regulatory compliance. More than 1,000 IT audit leaders and professionals from the TMT industry provided this… Newsletter February 7, 2024 The Top Risks 10 Years Out: Global Risks Are Persistent Capturing insights from over 1,100 C-level executives and directors across multiple industries with broad geographic representation, our global survey of C-level executives and directors survey offers insights for the top risks over the next 10 years out to 2034. The following table provides a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies face looking forward to 2034.TOP… Whitepaper November 4, 2024 Stress Testing Credit Portfolios for Climate Risk Climate risk refers to the potential for adverse economic consequences resulting from climate change as well as human responses to climate change and is rapidly becoming one of the emerging risk areas within the financial services industry. According to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), climate risk has the potential to affect the safety and soundness of individual banks and have… Newsletter November 8, 2023 Board Risk Oversight in the Age of Disruption In these disruptive times, how should boards discharge their duty of care and duty of oversight with respect to risk when the models to follow aren’t clear? Is the board’s risk oversight process fit for purpose in today’s dynamic environment?Board engagement with risk and how it is managed has been a topic of interest for many years. While risk has always been present in every business, the… Load More