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  • Whitepaper

    December 1, 2020
    The latest M&A Deal Review (a quarterly publication by the Protiviti M&A team in the Middle East) tracks deal activity across geographies and sectors. This issue covers the global M&A outlook and deal activity for the first three quarters of 2020 and highlights the key emerging trends in the M&A space globally. The first two quarters of 2020 witnessed a slow-down in global M&…
  • Client Story

    May 19, 2023
    A joint team of quantum computing engineers and financial analysts at this industry leader in digital financial services, led by a forward-thinking CIO, knew they wanted to take advantage of quantum computing to solve unique challenges that could not be handled with classical computing alone.   This company sees value in preparing to be “at the ready” when quantum computing machines become more…
  • Newsletter

    November 29, 2023
    As they self-assess their performance periodically, audit committees may find useful the illustrative questions we have made available in our Assessment Questions for Audit Committees to Consider. Committee members should periodically assess the committee’s composition, charter and agenda focus in view of the company’s industry, circumstances, risks, financial reporting issues and current…
  • Survey

    September 25, 2022
    Protiviti conducted a survey of Global Capability Centres (GCCs) in India, focusing on themes around Operations, Technology, People & Strategy and impact of Covid-19 on each of the themes.Protiviti analysed the inputs and responses received from leaders and C-Suite executives across industries to bring in insights and trends most relevant to GCCs. The report presents useful insights of Covid-…
  • Whitepaper

    January 31, 2024
    KYC took on added significance in the sanctions world in 2023. No, not Know Your Customer, though that certainly remains important. Know Your Cargo became a new mantra for sanctions practitioners and there is every indication it will continue to be heard throughout 2024. But growing geopolitical tensions and national security concerns mean that trade-related sanctions will not be the only area of…
  • Survey

    January 3, 2023
    Key findings from an Oxford-Protiviti Survey, Executive Outlook on the Future of ESG, 2032 and Beyond: Oxford-Protiviti executive survey with a 10-year outlook finds North American leaders less worried about environmental risk and ESG regulation, and less open to change. Executives in Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) perceive the stakes as higher and expect more change externally and within their…
  • Survey

    October 9, 2023
    Protiviti partnered with The Institute of Internal Auditors to conduct its 11th annual Global Technology Audit Risks Survey in the second and third quarters of 2023.The objective of this survey is to explore the top technology risks organisations face, as perceived by technology audit leaders and professionals. It also explores the practices, processes and tools employed to help enterprises…
  • Client Story

    December 19, 2022
    Governmental agencies can be seen as slow to adopt new processes, but when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, this foreign defense agency needed to make a quick shift to remote working for both civilian and non-civilian employees while maintaining a high level of readiness. They urgently rolled out Microsoft 365 to enable remote work and communication for approximately 60,000 of their approximately 150,…
  • Whitepaper

    June 27, 2023
    By Bernadine Reese and Jackie SanzRegulators and many other stakeholders are intently focused on how financial institutions address environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Within financial institutions, boards of directors, executive management and much of the C-suite are weighing in on the ESG strategy and approach. Chief compliance officers (CCOs), though, have been remarkedly…
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 7, 2023
    Quantum computing requires quantum networking to reach its full potential. But there are engineering challenges to overcome. Learn about how repeaters that extend entanglement between qubits are really just application-specific quantum computers of their own. Also, learn how connecting these devices will pave the way for interconnect and other advances. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a…