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  • Podcast

    July 28, 2023
    ChatGPT is the talk of the town today. But as we all know, generative AI is much more than this one tool. Gen AI represents a new frontier of promise, productivity and capabilities for organisations around the world. But it also comes with risks that these organisations must understand and manage if they’re going to capitalise successfully on these new technologies.In this episode, we talk all…
  • Newsletter

    December 20, 2023
    As 2023 comes to an end, we're highlighting our top pieces from the past year, including our 2023 Global Finance Trends Survey, focusing on the growing list of priorities for the CFO, as well as the use of data and analytics to drive strategy, and what finance leaders need to know about required ESG reporting. We're also featuring our recently issued flash report on the AI Act, a comprehensive…
  • Whitepaper

    December 27, 2023
    A Whitepaper on how solutions by stc transformed its Cybersecurity program for a sustainable digital future in partnership with Protiviti Member Firm for the Middle East Region.
  • Podcast

    October 5, 2022
    Using cardinality constraints for portfolio optimization opens the doors to new applications for creating innovative portfolios and exchange-traded-funds (ETFs). All while providing better returns with less market risk.  Host Konstantinos Karagiannis recently co-authored a paper on portfolio optimization with Sam Palmer from Multiverse Computing. Find out how the team was able to outperform…
  • Podcast Transcript

    November 25, 2022
    Using cardinality constraints for portfolio optimisation opens the doors to new applications for creating innovative portfolios and exchange-traded-funds (ETFs). All while providing better returns with less market risk.  Host Konstantinos Karagiannis recently co-authored a paper on portfolio optimisation with Sam Palmer from Multiverse Computing. Find out how the team was able to outperform…
  • Flash Report

    March 9, 2023
    The White House recently released a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy that is sure to have a major impact on government agencies as well as private businesses. The Biden-Harris Administration has been percolating a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for some time and in early March released the aptly named “National Cybersecurity Strategy.” The 35-page document was created to help…
  • Survey

    January 3, 2023
    Key findings from an Oxford-Protiviti Survey, Executive Outlook on the Future of ESG, 2032 and Beyond: Oxford-Protiviti executive survey with a 10-year outlook finds North American leaders less worried about environmental risk and ESG regulation, and less open to change. Executives in Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) perceive the stakes as higher and expect more change externally and within their…
  • Whitepaper

    April 2, 2024
    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in the enterprise, thanks in part to the rise of generative AI (GenAI). While not a new technology or concept, AI (including machine learning) holds tremendous promise to transform various business functions and activities worldwide — from accounting and finance to cybersecurity, customer experience and more. In boardrooms and C-suite…
  • Client Story

    April 18, 2024
    This company is a leader in the supply of after-sale services to the world’s engine and compressor markets and is trusted by nuclear power plants, the U.S. military and both public and private electricity generators around the globe. With the EPA’s recently announced Good Neighbor Plan in mind, the client needed a quick, reliable air pollution reduction strategy. However, the company had to sift…
  • Newsletter

    July 13, 2023
    The big picture: The metaverse has the potential to be a disruptive, expansive and transformative force, even to the point of spawning its own economy. Every board has a fiduciary duty to evaluate that potential for its company’s future. By the numbers: According to a survey of 250 global business leaders, the metaverse has the potential to dramatically alter the future of the human experience…