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  • Newsletter

    October 17, 2023
    The manner that failure is embraced instead of feared in a business can improve the way the company evolves and responds to new market opportunities.
  • Client Story

    April 28, 2022
    Web application accessibility is critical to the ongoing success of any digital application. In fact, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) includes digital assets in its definition of “public places of accommodation” that should adhere to accessibility standards. Jamf, a global software company based in Minneapolis, Minn., produces applications to manage Apple devices and services and has a…
  • Whitepaper

    December 1, 2020
    The latest M&A Deal Review (a quarterly publication by the Protiviti M&A team in the Middle East) tracks deal activity across geographies and sectors. This issue covers the global M&A outlook and deal activity for the first three quarters of 2020 and highlights the key emerging trends in the M&A space globally. The first two quarters of 2020 witnessed a slow-down in global M&…
  • Client Story

    May 19, 2023
    A joint team of quantum computing engineers and financial analysts at this industry leader in digital financial services, led by a forward-thinking CIO, knew they wanted to take advantage of quantum computing to solve unique challenges that could not be handled with classical computing alone.   This company sees value in preparing to be “at the ready” when quantum computing machines become more…
  • Whitepaper

    December 4, 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to embrace digital technologies. As risks and complexities faced by entities change with the emerging situation, internal audit functions also need to go through a transformation journey and equip themselves with new skills and capabilities. Some of the key trends affecting the internal audit profession currently are: Proliferation of data resulting…
  • Survey

    September 25, 2022
    Protiviti conducted a survey of Global Capability Centres (GCCs) in India, focusing on themes around Operations, Technology, People & Strategy and impact of Covid-19 on each of the themes.Protiviti analysed the inputs and responses received from leaders and C-Suite executives across industries to bring in insights and trends most relevant to GCCs. The report presents useful insights of Covid-…
  • Whitepaper

    September 29, 2020
    Technology Optimization: Boosting Revenue Cycle Management COVID-19 has changed the business outlook for Healthcare Providers globally. As they revive, innovation and technology will lead the transformation program. Advanced technologies will see greater deployment in hospitals to drive innovation, boost operational efficiency and enable them to focus more on clinical outcomes and patient…
  • Survey

    July 10, 2023
    What does the future hold for the internal audit profession? Protiviti explores this question at some level in every annual edition of Internal Auditing Around the World®. Internal audit functions have played a vital role in helping businesses reach the point where they can start thinking more about what’s next than just what has been and what is.
  • Whitepaper

    July 15, 2021
    The SME segment in the GCC region has been beset by a lack of access to credit with only 20% of SMEs having access to a loan or line of credit in spite of accounting for up to 80% of the businesses in the Arab region (source: Arab Monetary Fund). The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this challenge by compounding SMEs’ credit quality issues and adversely affecting their operating buffer…
  • Survey

    January 3, 2023
    Key findings from an Oxford-Protiviti Survey, Executive Outlook on the Future of ESG, 2032 and Beyond: Oxford-Protiviti executive survey with a 10-year outlook finds North American leaders less worried about environmental risk and ESG regulation, and less open to change. Executives in Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) perceive the stakes as higher and expect more change externally and within their…