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  • Solution and Industry
    There's a better way to manage the burden of regulatory compliance. Imagine if functions were aligned to business objectives, processes were optimised, and procedures were automated and enabled by data and technology. Regulatory requirements would be met with efficiency. Controls become predictive instead of reactive. Employees derive more value from their roles. The business can take comfort…
  • Solution and Industry
    Like the dinosaurs that came before us, organisations that do not take advantage of new and emerging technologies will find they are outdated and in danger of extinction. However, jumping on the new technology bandwagon without a strategy, roadmap, and business alignment will certainly lead to diminished returns and technology risk exposure.Identifying business cases, investing in the right…
  • The power of cloud offers many benefits and advantages, but only if your cloud capabilities align with your business objectives. Our Enterprise Cloud Services empower you to leverage the cloud's potential for organisational transformation and modernisation. We help identify avenues for gaining advantages, through your investment in technology, while enhancing business efficiency and operations.…
  • Solution and Industry
    Are you maximising innovation, value and potential of the cloud?Our cloud managed services provide cloud production operations with off-site services and local support for routine tasks while driving continuous service improvements related to managing client systems and infrastructure. We define service levels that are appropriate to support your business objectives while balancing costs.With our…
  • Solution and Industry
    The move to the cloud is well underway. Are you on board? Protiviti’s cloud security expertise enables organisations to grow their business without sacrificing operational efficiency. Our cloud security-certified experts assist and implement enterprise strategies that support regulatory compliance efforts and business operations. The landscape of cloud security solutions needed to keep…
  • Solution and Industry
    Cloud capabilities are rapidly expanding as companies progress on their digital journeys, and it can be difficult to understand, analyse and consider so much information. Protiviti’s cloud engineering services help business leaders transform, modernise and capture value by leveraging the latest capabilities and designing solutions that simply work.We deploy the infrastructure as code and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Looking to modernise and innovate by leveraging the cloud? Establishing a strategy is about more than just moving data and applications to the cloud. We help organisations create a cloud strategy that aligns with their business priorities and creates solutions to optimise performance and realise returns while managing costs.IT leaders navigating the transition to public cloud environments require…
  • Solution and Industry
    Growing demand for technology solutions and operations aligned to the business is driving increased performance expectations on IT departments.Protiviti will help transform and modernise core technologies to eliminate technical debt and support future state and emerging requirements.
  • Client Story
    August 23, 2024
    India has emerged as a dominant force in the global PVC market, driven by surging agriculture, construction, and packaging demand. This rapid growth, coupled with increasing reliance on PVC imports, has created a complex and dynamic market environment. For PVC manufacturers, this presents both unprecedented opportunities and significant challenges.
  • Solution and Industry
    Advancements in technology create both opportunities and vulnerabilities. The sophistication of cyber threats will continue to increase. Systems will fail. Outsourcing to vendors and third-party contractors will provide efficiencies and reduce costs, but also create concentration and supply chain risks.In this challenging landscape, having a firm understanding of how to minimise the impact of a…