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  • Protiviti aligns change with your organisation’s strategy, and we understand that people must change their behaviors for organisations to realise the full return on their investments.We assist in creating team engagement, accountability, and adoption of the future state. We make it clear how the change will make a difference for your company and how your people play a role in the impact.  …
  • Today’s leaders recognise their supply chain functions as a strategic operation. Recent disruptions shifted leaders’ and customer expectations of supply chains. Supply chains had previously not received enough investment to stay competitive and were not linked to strategic goals.  Now, supply chains are expected to mitigate and even predict the disruptions we’ve seen since Covid.…
  • Solution and Industry
    Technology drives the business forward. Our technology strategy solutions help you enable the business, outlining the technology vision, defining what the organisation will be, what it will do, and what it will deliver in support of the business strategy. We help position your IT team as a process optimiser and revenue enabler.
  • Solution and Industry
    Across industries, robotics and intelligent automation are fast becoming a primary method for achieving cost reduction, scalability and improving manual functions within an organisation. RPA is often a first, foundational step toward broader intelligent automation solutions.    Protiviti combines deep process and industry knowledge with intelligent automation expertise to help…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti's transaction services helps organisations evaluate transactions and provide a full understanding of the opportunities and risks. Once a transaction is in motion, Protiviti helps companies move forward quickly, reducing business disruption to day-to-day operations, while implementing the changes that allow the expected value to be realised. Companies around the world are seeking a…
  • Solution and Industry
    Preparing to become a public company is time-consuming and complex. As the market continues to change with the current events, companies contemplating an IPO would be wise to prepare for windows of opportunity. Readiness is everything for such a game-changing endeavor, and to optimise chances of success, companies must assess the long-term timeline and be primed to move when circumstances are…
  • Solution and Industry
    With increased spending to defend against cyber threats, effective financial measurements are needed to support decision-making and answer questions like: “what are the potential financial losses from each cyber risk?” “how much cyber insurance does my organisation need?” “which risks should be prioritised?” and “how can we calculate ROI on cybersecurity investments?” We help organisations…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti’s attack and penetration services protect sensitive data and systems, helping to avoid costly breaches, intellectual property loss, business disruption, and reputation damage. With the expanding threat landscape, it is critical to understand security vulnerabilities, their root causes, and remediation options. Using our advanced penetration testing expertise, we identify…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti helps you remain compliant with data privacy regulations by mapping sensitive and personal data and outlining the priority risks unique to your organisation. Which processing operations present higher data protection risk? How does your organisation currently comply with regulatory obligations? Is my organisation in compliance with the regulation? If we are in compliance, how can…
  • Companies have an urgent need to minimise the frequency and cost of data breaches. Cyber incidents are growing ever more likely, and costs are soaring. The current cybersecurity talent gap only adds to the challenges.Protiviti’s managed security services puts the best people, processes, and technologies at your fingertips.We understand the challenges of cybersecurity. The attack landscape is…