Assessing digital maturity across government transportation organisation in the Middle East

The National Strategy for Digital Transformation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia aims to focus on accelerating digital transformation and improve the quality of digital services through three five-year action plans. The third action plan for the years 2020-2024 seeks to realise a smart government and develop a digital capable ecosystem with focus on cost optimisation and value maximisation, reduce costs and overheads, and ensure quality and speed.

In 2020, one of the Middle East's largest government-owned transportation and logistics companies embarked on an exploration of digital technologies, aiming to align with the company's vision and mission.

As a part of the company's digital initiative, Protiviti was engaged to do a comprehensive study on the entire business units within the firm to come up with digitisation and digitalisation opportunities.

Main objective for the study

As part of this initiative, Protiviti conducted a comprehensive examination of all shared services processes and procedures within the organisation. This involved interviewing key business stakeholders, brainstorming solutions, increasing understanding of digital technologies, and other activities. The examination spanned various departments including Supply Chain, Finance, Legal, IT, HR, and Support Services, and comprised more than 35 workshops with the business teams. As a result, over 190 processes were meticulously scrutinised, leading to a thorough gap analysis and recommendations for process enhancements.

The gap analysis

After identifying these gaps, the subsequent stage involved aligning them with each department to present a comprehensive perspective on how these factors differ across the various departments within the organization.

The result of the consulting exercise carried out for understanding the automation and digitization opportunities resulted in 62 opportunities which were then mapped to 6 solution groups that would allow the organization to efficiently solve the gaps that exist across various functions. Protiviti followed a systematic approach to perform these assessments that included process and system walkthrough, identification of key pain points and inefficiencies and was centered around the firm's need, vision and industry best practices.

Quantitative Analysis of Gaps

Assessment Approach

Current State   


Industry Leading   
Practices Mapping

to Strategy


Review of “AS-IS” processes and proposed “TO-BE” state to identify gaps and digitalization opportunities

Workshops with stakeholders to identify the need and relevance of the proposed opportunities

Inputs from SMEs for respective areas (Oracle, SCM, Finance, etc.) and global leading practices

Mapping the opportunities to existing strategy and systems landscape

Propose a roadmap for Digitalization based on parameters like business impact, effort etc.


Protiviti considered four strategic pillars to conduct the study which was the true representation of essential dimensions around firm's long-term success. The four pillars considered are:

  1. Governance & Control - The purpose of opera onal governance was to align the entire organisation as efficiently as possible, principally to ensure the effec veness of the decision-making process across the firm, join all stakeholders together into a business-driven collaboration and create an enterprise that is strong, agile, and focused on the future.
  2. Process Efficiency - Improving a company's overall efficiency is crucial for businesses, and this allows a reduction in turnaround time, mitigation of delays, and removal of bottlenecks, thereby making the organisation more productive and results oriented.
  3. Decision Making - Decision making is important to achieve the organisational strategic goals and objectives within given time and budget. It makes information readily available, discovery of solutions and alternatives quick, increases confidence in decisions made, efficient utilisation of resources at disposal, and satisfies the employees at the workplace. As a result, organisational goals or objectives can be achieved as per the desired result.
  4. Cost Optimisation - Continuous cost optimisation helps to reduce the cost of operations. It helps to set a competitive price of services provided by the firm and increase value of profits or return on investments.
*Basis - Protiviti's understanding of firm's strategy, equal weightages have been assigned for each of the benefit parameters to come up with business impact score.
Protiviti's understanding of firm's strategy
Around 62% of Analytics solution would bring in Medium to High business impact as indicated in “Quick Wins” category”
Each digital opportunity has been chalked out considering four business impact parameters along with implementation effort to arrive at low hanging, high value or quick win category.
*Basis - Protiviti's understanding of firm's strategy, equal weightages have been assigned for each of the benefit parameters to come up with business impact score.