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  • We help organisations understand relevant jurisdictions and obligations, assess needs, implement appropriate compliance measures and safeguards and respond to new and changing privacy regulations. With the meteoric rise of data proliferation worldwide, new privacy laws have been passed globally, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU), the Brazilian…
  • Solution and Industry
    Like the dinosaurs that came before us, organisations that do not take advantage of new and emerging technologies will find they are outdated and in danger of extinction. However, jumping on the new technology bandwagon without a strategy, roadmap, and business alignment will certainly lead to diminished returns and technology risk exposure.Identifying business cases, investing in the right…
  • Insights paper
    January 8, 2024
    The concepts of data sovereignty and data localisation stem from a desire to keep data within a country’s borders for greater control. While the broad strokes of various privacy laws may be consistent across jurisdictions, governments will dictate the collection, storage and interpretation of their citizens’ data through constantly evolving privacy regulations.The legislative bodies that write…
  • Companies across the world face an increasingly complex marketplace with new reporting requirements, heightened scrutiny of company financials and filings, nonrecurring business transactions, and a shortage of experienced finance and accounting professionals. More than ever, these businesses understand that adhering to strict and ever-changing accounting and reporting requirements requires the…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti’s cybersecurity strategy experts help organisations understand information security and privacy risks while providing innovative solutions to reduce exposures. We refine security and privacy strategies, practices, and technology architectures. Protiviti can assess your environment and provide a roadmap so you can make smart cybersecurity strategy investments to serve your customers and…
  • TMT organisations have demonstrated resilience and achieved incredible growth as their businesses have become increasingly demanded by consumers across both B2B and B2C sectors. With this growth comes an increased amount of opportunity, a responsibility to maintain consumer trust, and a need to proactively manage risk. Simultaneously, the industry is facing a mounting focus on compliance and is…
  • Solution and Industry
    Advancements in technology create both opportunities and vulnerabilities. The sophistication of cyber threats will continue to increase. Systems will fail. Outsourcing to vendors and third-party contractors will provide efficiencies and reduce costs, but also create concentration and supply chain risks. In this challenging landscape, having a firm understanding of how to minimise the impact of a…
  • Solution and Industry
    Every organisation is different and for that reason, a one size fits all approach should not be applied to your third-party risk management (TPRM) program. Protiviti delivers third-party risk management (TPRM) solutions that are embedded into day-to-day business functions while aligning to industry and regulatory expectations. We identify cost savings, create efficiencies in processes, and…
  • Today’s leaders recognise their supply chain functions as a strategic operation. Recent disruptions shifted leaders’ and customer expectations of supply chains. Supply chains had previously not received enough investment to stay competitive and were not linked to strategic goals.  Now, supply chains are expected to mitigate and even predict the disruptions we’ve seen since Covid.Organisations…