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  • Whitepaper
    December 15, 2021
    Key takeaways Organisational resiliency is the name of the game, reinforcing the importance of a risk-focused board. A long-term risk perspective augments the board’s short-term risk awareness and governance. The board owns oversight of risk through established, regularly reported metrics.
  • Whitepaper
    September 22, 2021
    Covid-19, the economy, racial equity and climate. These are what the Biden-Harris transition team initially identified as the priorities of its administration. Since President Biden took office, other pressing issues such as immigration, cyber defense, and the U.S.’s exit from Afghanistan have been added to the list. The financial services industry wasn’t expected to, and does not, make the…
  • Flash Report
    July 11, 2022
    Trailing their European counterparts on climate-related issues, U.S. banking regulators are playing catch-up, urged by the new administration to do so. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell suggested in a July Senate Banking Hearing that climate stress testing could be on the table. On September 24, 2021, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRB-NY) released a staff report detailing a climate-…
  • Flash Report
    February 28, 2022
    On February 23, Protiviti issued a Flash Report on Vladimir Putin’s recognition of two Ukrainian regions as “independent people’s republics,” deployment of “peacekeeping forces,” and demands that Ukraine disarm and negotiate the sovereignty of the two separatist regions. The Flash Report also summarised the sanctions that had been imposed by the West in response to Putin’s aggression. Much has…
  • Infographic
    March 15, 2022
    Restrictive government policies, the talent shortage, third-party outsourcing arrangements, disruptive digital technologies, and, of course, the persisting pandemic are the dominant risk issues being discussed in boardrooms and executive suites across the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) industry group.These risk issues and more are cited in Protiviti’s latest annual …
  • Infographic
    June 15, 2022
    For many technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) organisations, the looming threat of a cybersecurity event and a difficult talent market continue to define the risk landscape in 2022. In a webinar survey conducted by Protiviti, respondents shared their perspectives on the top risk issues impacting their organisations. The responses reaffirmed the major trends and insights we…
  • Whitepaper
    June 10, 2022
    Big Tech’s “big” problem How big is Big Tech? There is little doubt that the big five technology companies (i.e., Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook) are operating in a completely different stratosphere. As one recent New York Times blog described it, “America’s tech titans have formed a separate universe in which they are the sun, and everyone else — billions of humans, other…
  • Newsletter
    January 14, 2022
    Our global survey of C-level executives and directors highlights the influence of COVID-19, people and culture issues, the economy, and digital transformation on the near-term risk landscape. In the following table, we rank our survey’s highest-rated risk themes in order of priority to provide a context for understanding the most critical uncertainties companies face over the next 12…
  • Survey
    March 9, 2022
    With unanticipated events unfolding at a record pace, PE-owned organisations are facing massive challenges, and their leaders are under growing pressure to be vigilant in preparing for emerging issues.
  • Survey
    February 16, 2022
    Threats to supply chain, workforce and customer demand cited among top 2022 risks by CPS industry leaders. Whether it’s disruptive technologies, supply chain bottlenecks, rising costs, labor shortages, data breaches, or restrictive government policies, the Consumer Products and Services (CPS) industry group faces numerous market-changing risks in 2022 and beyond. These risk issues and more are…