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  • Infographic
    July 17, 2022
    Even in the current slow-growth environment, global e-commerce sales in 2022 are expected to exceed $5 trillion for the first time and remain on pace to surge past $7 trillion by 2025. For money launderers, the online trading boom has been a bonanza. With a few clicks of a computer, money launderers are using e-commerce sites and payment providers to process ill-gotten gains, conceal…
  • Video
    August 8, 2022
    Technology alone won't transform your business
  • Newsletter
    September 13, 2022
    by Fran Maxwell, Managing Director People Advisory and Organisational Change Global Leader Today’s challenging business climate demands that boards of directors and executive leaders view the organisation’s talent strategy in coordination and lockstep with their strategic business objectives. High-performing organisations are deploying a new talent game plan, led by their chief human resources…
  • Progress®Chef® is the leader in Continuous Automation software, and one of the founders of the DevOps movement. Chef works with more than a thousand of the most innovative companies around the world to deliver their vision of digital transformation, providing the practices and platform to deliver software at speed. Chef Automate is Chef’s Continuous Automation Platform which is powered by an…
  • Het Instituut van Internal Auditors Nederland (IIA) is de grootste beroepsvereniging van internal auditors in Nederland. De missie van IIA is om het beroep en vak internal audit in Nederland te ontwikkelen en te promoten en daarvoor internal auditors, management en andere belanghebbenden te ondersteunen bij een succesvolle invulling van de internal auditfunctie. De hoofdtaken van IIA bestaan uit…
  • Partner
    L'Associazione Italiana Internal Auditors è un'associazione senza fini di lucro costituita nel 1972 e riconosciuta come affiliazione italiana dell'I.I.A. - Institute of Internal Auditors - leader mondiale per gli standard, la certificazione e la formazione per la professione di Internal Auditor. Con oltre 4.600 soci, in rappresentanza circa 900 aziende, AIIA rappresenta da sempre un punto di…
  • Partner
    ANRA è l'associazione che dal 1972 raggruppa i risk manager e i responsabili delle assicurazioni aziendali. L'associazione opera attraverso la sede di Milano e vari corrispondenti regionali. ANRA è il punto di riferimento in Italia per diffondere la cultura d'impresa attraverso la gestione del rischio e delle assicurazioni in azienda. ANRA è costituita da Risk Officer, Risk Manager ed Insurance…
  • CSA Italy è il Capitolo Italiano di Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), associazione internazionale che ha lo scopo di promuovere l’utilizzo di buone pratiche per la sicurezza del cloud computing, insieme alla formazione e sensibilizzazione nell’utilizzo sicuro di tutte le forme di computing. CSA ad oggi conta più di +400 aziende associate, 20 organizzazioni affiliate e gestisce una comunità di più di…
  • Leadership
    Marty is Country Market Leader for Canada in Toronto and leads the finance transformation practice in Canada. He assists clients across industries with business and finance transformation initiatives focused on target operating model design, process improvement and technology enabled transformation. Major Projects:Assisted a publicly traded, Toronto based service provider to the financial…
  • Leadership
    Antonio Maio is an enterprise architect with over 25 years of experience in enterprise application architecture, information security, cybersecurity practices and team leadership. Leading our Canadian Microsoft technology consulting practice, he has been awarded a Microsoft MVP award for 12 consecutive years, from 2012 to 2023, specialising in Microsoft 365, Microsoft Defender and Microsoft…