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  • Whitepaper

    February 22, 2021
    As CEOs and boards become more informed about the extreme threats that cybersecurity lapses pose, their expectations are growing. CFOs’ expanding contributions to fortifying organisational data security, the highest priority identified in Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey, play a pivotal role in satisfying those high expectations. Board members demand coherent, relevant and timely…
  • Whitepaper

    February 20, 2023
    On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The global condemnation of the invasion has included an unprecedented number of sanctions against Russia that began being issued almost immediately and has continued as the war goes on, bringing with it large-scale economic disruption and untold human tragedy. For the financial services industry and the issuing nations, there are lessons to be learned…
  • Podcast Transcript

    March 27, 2020
    The COVID-19 global pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for organisations today. They’re working to address numerous areas – generating revenue, maintaining productivity and such – but today, we’re going to be talking about the people side of COVID-19. How do organisations stay resilient, keep their workforces productive, keep their people informed and manage them effectively? I’m…
  • Podcast

    March 27, 2020
    The COVID-19 global pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges for organisations today. They’re working to address numerous areas – generating revenue, maintaining productivity and such – but today, we’re going to be talking about the people side of COVID-19. How do organisations stay resilient, keep their workforces productive, keep their people informed and manage them effectively? I’m…
  • Whitepaper

    June 11, 2020
    June 2020 The COVID-19 global pandemic is forcing organisations everywhere to confront challenges never before considered – and private equity firms are no exception. Given that private equity firms have investments in a wide variety of companies, it’s critical for them to understand the many challenges that have surfaced in this new COVID-19-driven landscape and gather the proper information to…
  • Survey

    March 29, 2023
    Technology leaders are exploring new ways to drive innovation and maximise the value of IT in a changing world driven by disruption and a need for acceleration Executive Summary Innovation is the name of the game in today’s global market. Recognising this new reality, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and other technology executives and leaders are exploring new ways to fuel innovation throughout their…
  • Client Story

    December 19, 2022
    Governmental agencies can be seen as slow to adopt new processes, but when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, this foreign defense agency needed to make a quick shift to remote working for both civilian and non-civilian employees while maintaining a high level of readiness. They urgently rolled out Microsoft 365 to enable remote work and communication for approximately 60,000 of their approximately 150,…
  • Whitepaper

    October 22, 2020
    Contrary to popular belief, criminals — insiders or outsiders — are not the most common cause of major operational failures. Technology is the biggest culprit. The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, robotic process automation (RPA), cloud computing and other technologies continues to transform finance. It has created a mix of technological risks that frequently disrupt…
  • Whitepaper

    November 21, 2022
    We are in unusual economic times. While making predictions may be a fool’s errand, the aggressive posturing among central banks to fight runaway inflation implies that we will soon be — if not already are — in the late stage of the economic cycle. However, considering the past several months of mixed economic data, the outcome of the downturn and the developments that drive it are likely to look…
  • Podcast

    June 12, 2024
    When Richard Feynman proposed the idea of a quantum simulator or computer in 1981, he was frustrated by the limitations of classical systems. He logically suggested that if we live in a quantum world, we need a quantum device to simulate all the interactions of particles that make up reality. An excellent example of such a transistor-choking calculation is the quantum many-body problem. Have…