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  • Client Story

    November 8, 2021
    A global insurance company — like so many other businesses — had come to rely on a service provider in India for finance operations support. It had no plan to change that arrangement. Then COVID struck. One week before 2020’s first-quarter closing, the Indian government prohibited workers from leaving their homes. This ruling lasted for 21 days as the nation struggled to limit its COVID infection…
  • Podcast

    May 31, 2023
    We’ve covered several types of quantum computing hardware on this show, some available, some still forthcoming. Neutral atom is a newer addition to the ranks of systems accessible on the cloud. How does it work? What kinds of real-world business use cases is it excelling at already? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Alex Keesling from QuEra about this new approach to high qubit…
  • Podcast Transcript

    June 16, 2023
    We’ve covered several types of quantum computing hardware on this show, some available, some still forthcoming. Neutral atom is a newer addition to the ranks of systems accessible on the cloud. How does it work? What kinds of real-world business use cases is it excelling at already? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Alex Keesling from QuEra about this new approach to high qubit…
  • Podcast

    October 18, 2023
    Quantum computing is a full stack, from hardware to the programming interface. Superstaq is a software platform that optimises your code before it hits the backend quantum computer. The result? You can dramatically improve the performance of your programmes by orders of magnitude by modifying just one layer of the stack. The boost could make the difference when your business is deciding whether a…
  • Podcast Transcript

    October 17, 2023
    Quantum computing is a full stack, from hardware to the programming interface. Superstaq is a software platform that optimises your code before it hits the backend quantum computer. The result? You can dramatically improve the performance of your programmes by orders of magnitude by modifying just one layer of the stack. The boost could make the difference when your business is deciding whether a…
  • Podcast

    August 23, 2023
    Quantum computing needs logical, error-corrected qubits to reach the ultimate goal of fault-tolerant systems that can change the world. Without logical qubits, we won’t be able to have production-ready business use cases that are pure quantum. Is it too early to be thinking about creating these “perfect” qubits? One company says it’s already tackling the problem with a new take on the old quantum…
  • Podcast Transcript

    September 8, 2023
    Quantum computing needs logical, error-corrected qubits to reach the ultimate goal of fault-tolerant systems that can change the world. Without logical qubits, we won’t be able to have production-ready business use cases that are pure quantum. Is it too early to be thinking about creating these “perfect” qubits? One company says it’s already tackling the problem with a new take on the old quantum…
  • Client Story

    February 16, 2023
    Rising energy prices and the resulting profitability typically generate a flurry of merger and acquisition activity in the oil and gas sector. The deals frequently target organizations that are independent and entrepreneurial in spirit — companies that have amassed a significant but often underdeveloped asset base and whose processes generally have not kept up with the growth of the company. The…
  • Client Story

    May 12, 2022
    Protiviti created a transparent end-to-end process flow by identifying gaps and providing recommendations for improvement and savings. A data deep dive reviewed elements of sales, markdowns and shrink data and a statistical analyses of shrink, damages and manual markdowns provided a total loss calculation.
  • Client Story

    April 5, 2024
    A leading fundraising and branding organisation offering agency, data processing, and digital and media services was seeking a partner to facilitate the transition to NetSuite as the system of record for its operation.