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  • Video

    February 24, 2022
    Alleged criminals have identified the potential for laundering funds through e-commerce. After all, why would a money launderer hassle with the physical transport of ill-gotten gains or risk dealing with financial institutions with savvy detection capabilities when laundering money can be done with a few clicks of a computer in an environment that may not always be vigilant in detecting fraud?…
  • Whitepaper

    June 10, 2022
    Big Tech’s “big” problem How big is Big Tech? There is little doubt that the big five technology companies (i.e., Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook) are operating in a completely different stratosphere. As one recent New York Times blog described it, “America’s tech titans have formed a separate universe in which they are the sun, and everyone else — billions of humans, other…
  • Whitepaper

    September 9, 2021
    The global e-commerce market is projected to approach $5 trillion in sales in 2021[1] — pretty impressive for an industry that only came into existence in 1991 when the internet was opened for commercial use. With brick-and-mortar stores shuttered because of COVID-19 and online buying the only option many consumers had, retail e-commerce sales in 2020 grew by double-digits in every region of the…
  • Video

    June 14, 2022
    According to S&P, the combined current stock market value ($9.3 trillion) of the five tech titans (Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook) is more than the value of the next 27 most valuable U.S. companies put together. With growth accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the demand for digital services comes greater power and increased concerns. How do tech companies strike the…
  • Infographic

    June 15, 2022
    For many technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) organisations, the looming threat of a cybersecurity event and a difficult talent market continue to define the risk landscape in 2022. In a webinar survey conducted by Protiviti, respondents shared their perspectives on the top risk issues impacting their organisations. The responses reaffirmed the major trends and insights we…
  • Infographic

    July 4, 2022
    The effects of the pandemic have resulted in a major shift in consumer preferences and behaviors that have upended businesses and services, unlike anything in the past. Today, consumer goods and retail companies are continuing to feel the weight of these challenges. According to Protiviti's global 2022 Top Risks Survey, data, supply chain and customer experience are top of mind for…
  • Whitepaper

    May 30, 2023
    Servicers in lending organisations are challenged with navigating economic headwinds that are pushing delinquency- and default-rate projections higher. This task has been complicated by increased global regulatory focus and dynamic customer expectations, which are further providing impetus for servicers to reassess existing strategies and processes from a compliance perspective while continuing…
  • Newsletter

    April 13, 2023
    As a term in business, “agile” is typically used to refer to a project management methodology, especially for software development. But there is a different, more strategic connotation of agility that merits close attention by boards as markets evolve.
  • Newsletter

    August 16, 2021
    As disruption and the unexpected have become the norm in many industries, clarity is needed around framing the boardroom risk conversation. In 2009, in the wake of the great financial crisis, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) published a report on the board’s risk governance process, recommending five risk categories for boards to differentiate risks for discussion…
  • Blogs

    December 7, 2023
    This blog post was authored by Karter Klumpyan and Laura Moore, Director Risk and Compliance on The Protiviti View.The big picture: A two-step indicator-based approach proposed by EU supervisory authorities will be used to assess ICT services providers to determine whether they should be designated as critical and subjected to oversight under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA).Why it…