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  • Newsletter

    January 12, 2023
    The global survey of C-level executives and directors, focused on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks, highlights the influence of the economy, people and culture issues, supply chain risks, and technology impacts on the 2023 risk landscape. The survey was conducted online in the September — October 2022 time frame to capture perspectives on 38 risks on the minds of business leaders as…
  • Whitepaper

    May 1, 2022
    “To put it bluntly, will companies enact courageous ESG policies only when it does not hurt?…This is a moment of truth. Stakeholders have been increasingly mobilised to question the premises of companies’ professed ESG activities. All too frequently, corporations and their executives engage in marketing or obfuscation of what they’re actually doing — what could more accurately be called ‘ESG-…
  • Whitepaper

    April 17, 2024
    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) guidance, stakeholder demands and regulatory mandates are evolving and becoming more specific, and the time of taking a “soft approach” to sustainability reporting has passed. As the need to provide, or prepare to provide, limited and/or reasonable assurance in sustainability reporting grows, internal audit’s role in the reporting process becomes obvious…
  • Newsletter

    August 10, 2023
    With technology clearly a material driver of change, boards of larger companies are trending toward a more strategic focus on technology. Should your board be a part of that trend?Why it matters: The board community has been acknowledging the speed of disruptive innovation, largely driven by emerging technologies.Yes, but: There are also considerations pertaining to speed-to-market, technical…
  • Video

    August 3, 2023
    Where is your organisation focusing its investments when it comes to technology and future discretionary spend? Learn from Amanda Downs, Managing Director, how digitising the physical and creating new lines of business are helping organisations differentiate from their competitors and transform their businesses.
  • Video

    April 12, 2020
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) continues to expand its global impact on individuals, businesses, communities and governments. The dynamic nature of this pandemic makes it hard to assess what will happen next. We share resources for our clients on how we are adapting to support them and resources for all business leaders for managing effectively through these challenging times.
  • Newsletter

    December 12, 2021
    (Offered in Conjunction With Protiviti’s The Bulletin, “Setting the 2022 Audit Committee Agenda”) As they self-assesses their performance periodically, audit committees may find useful the illustrative questions we have made available in our Assessment Questions for Audit Committees to Consider. Committee members should periodically assess the committee’s composition, charter and agenda focus in…
  • Newsletter

    June 9, 2021
    The future of a redesigned workstream looms large on the horizon. Strategic issues around returning remote workers to physical facilities, integrating new technologies into the business, acquiring and retaining the talent needed to execute digital strategies, and transitioning to a more agile workforce abound. As companies sharpen their focus on digital transformation initiatives and reimagine…
  • Whitepaper

    October 7, 2020
    Most business owners and managers know by now that when stay-at-home orders are lifted in their state or country, business as usual will be far from it. The workplace may look a lot different for the forseeable future as health and safety protocols are implemented.  And the transition to remote work could be lasting one for businesses that realise their employees can be just as productive working…
  • Newsletter

    October 6, 2022
    We are approaching the last quarter of a challenging 2022, and as many of us dive into our strategy and business planning for 2023, the coming year looks to be more of the same. Inflationary trends, supply chain challenges, access to talent and skills, security and privacy issues, and working capital management are among the many challenges that private equity firms and their portfolio companies…