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  • Flash Report

    November 3, 2020
    On October 29, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) released an interim analysis report,[1] along with two accompanying white papers, in which the board provides its analysis and perspectives on the initial impact of its critical audit matter (CAM) requirements and the insights learned from stakeholders.
  • Flash Report

    March 5, 2021
    March 4, 2021 - On February 24, 2021, Allison Herren Lee, acting chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), issued a statement directing the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance to review climate-related disclosures in public company filings and determine the extent to which companies are addressing the topics identified in “Commission Guidance Regarding Disclosure Related to…
  • Blogs

    March 25, 2021
    Is Your Organisation Underpaying or Overpaying its Employees? No organisation wants to be headline news for underpaying its employees. However, many businesses are being publicly ostracised for violating enterprise agreements (EAs) in Australia. Not only are EAs incredibly complicated, wage law is also evolving rapidly, with Victoria and Queensland passing legislation in 2020. Unfortunately,…
  • Podcast

    June 23, 2020
    Protiviti Managing Directors Christopher Wright and Charles Soranno offer a CFO and finance perspective on Protiviti’s 2020 SOX Compliance Survey results.
  • Podcast Transcript

    June 23, 2020
    Protiviti Managing Directors Christopher Wright and Charles Soranno offer a CFO and finance perspective on Protiviti’s 2020 SOX Compliance Survey results.
  • Flash Report

    April 27, 2022
    The New Finance Labor Model Proves Its Real-World Value The finance labor model of the future has passed a major test – and it was a massive one. The results of Protiviti’s latest global survey of CFOs and finance leaders show that finance organisations which leverage a diverse talent pool of full-time employees, contract and temporary workers, expert external consultants, and managed services…
  • Newsletter

    February 21, 2023
    People and culture sit atop the list of key risk concerns of board members and executives worldwide looking out over the next 12 months as well as into 2032, according to the latest Top Risks Survey from Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative. Even amid an uncertain economy, inflationary conditions and fears of a possible recession, people, talent and culture issues stand out as…
  • Newsletter

    January 21, 2021
    A diverse, equitable and inclusive board culture contributes to the organisation’s success by positioning directors to advise the CEO and add value in evolving markets. Does your board measure up? Diversity in the boardroom encompasses all dimensions of the human experience, including education, life experience, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, geography, age and specific areas of…
  • Podcast

    February 21, 2021
    In this podcast, Protiviti Senior Managing Director Bob Hirth and Managing Director Chris Wright share their thoughts and insights about a number of ESG topics.
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 21, 2021
    In this podcast, Protiviti Senior Managing Director Bob Hirth and Managing Director Chris Wright share their thoughts and insights about a number of ESG topics.