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  • Survey

    February 14, 2023
    Responses to Selected Questions Received During Webinar – January 11, 2023 We received numerous questions during our January webinar on Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2023 & 2032. While we responded to some during the webinar, we were unable to cover all of them. We have selected a number of the unanswered questions that we believe to be of general interest and have included…
  • Infographic

    May 2, 2023
    Talent sourcing and technology skilling headline concerns among insurance industry executives and boards in the face of rising labor costs and an increasingly competitive landscape. Strategic priorities include upskilling and reskilling employees as the need to acquire talent that can support digital transformation becomes more critical.
  • Whitepaper

    September 9, 2021
    The global e-commerce market is projected to approach $5 trillion in sales in 2021[1] — pretty impressive for an industry that only came into existence in 1991 when the internet was opened for commercial use. With brick-and-mortar stores shuttered because of COVID-19 and online buying the only option many consumers had, retail e-commerce sales in 2020 grew by double-digits in every region of the…
  • Blogs

    March 25, 2021
    Is Your Organisation Underpaying or Overpaying its Employees? No organisation wants to be headline news for underpaying its employees. However, many businesses are being publicly ostracised for violating enterprise agreements (EAs) in Australia. Not only are EAs incredibly complicated, wage law is also evolving rapidly, with Victoria and Queensland passing legislation in 2020. Unfortunately,…
  • Infographic

    February 21, 2024
    Recognizing the interplay of near-term and future risks is essential for comprehensive enterprise-wide risk management. Such reflection and evaluation offer CAEs valuable insights into how these intertwined risks can impact an organization's strategic success and long-term viability.
  • Whitepaper

    April 25, 2022
    In the novel Tell the Machine Goodnight, Katie Williams tells the story of Pearl, a technician for Apricity Corporation, which has developed a machine that “uses a sophisticated metric, taking into account factors of which we are not consciously aware,” and with 99.7% accuracy, offers recommendations for what will make people happy. Does this narrative provide a glimpse into our future? Will…
  • Survey

    October 1, 2022
    Results of ISACA/Protiviti global survey reveal cybersecurity, privacy, data and regulatory compliance are top-of-mind concerns An uncertain global economy, volatile geopolitical developments, a persistent pandemic and an evolving catalog of technology risks have created mounting challenges for IT audit leaders and their functions. The results of the latest IT Audit Technology Risks Survey from…
  • Newsletter

    August 16, 2021
    As disruption and the unexpected have become the norm in many industries, clarity is needed around framing the boardroom risk conversation. In 2009, in the wake of the great financial crisis, the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) published a report on the board’s risk governance process, recommending five risk categories for boards to differentiate risks for discussion purposes…
  • Newsletter

    November 8, 2023
    In these disruptive times, how should boards discharge their duty of care and duty of oversight with respect to risk when the models to follow aren’t clear? Is the board’s risk oversight process fit for purpose in today’s dynamic environment?Board engagement with risk and how it is managed has been a topic of interest for many years. While risk has always been present in every business, the…
  • Survey

    February 21, 2024
    CAEs see a riskier near- and long-term environment than do most of their colleagues in the executive suite. Of all C-level respondents to our latest Top Risks Survey, internal audit leaders ascribe the highest-magnitude ratings to risks they expect to challenge their organisation’s ability to achieve its performance objectives during the next 12 months. 