Insight Search Search Submit Sort by: Relevance Date Search Sort by RelevanceDate Order AscDesc Whitepaper March 31, 2021 Fair Lending and Servicing Practices Face Deeper Scrutiny Under New Administration - Top of Mind Compliance Issues for 2021 New presidential administrations often establish new demands and priorities with regard to addressing and enforcing current regulations based on their own priorities. The latest change in the White House, with the Biden administration assuming control, has been no exception. Whereas the Trump administration scaled back enforcement of financial regulations in a number of areas, including but not… Newsletter September 10, 2020 Operational Resilience Gets a Makeover in the “New Normal” Churchill said he strived “to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year — and to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” His acknowledgment of the futility in predicting the future is especially apropos today as markets transition to the eventual “new normal.”The business model is akin to a finely tuned machine requiring the coordination… Podcast August 9, 2023 Podcast | Quantum Computing Standardisation— with Pasqal Standardisation is something we take for granted in classical information technology. But when it comes to quantum computing, are we all speaking the same language? In addition to making neutral-atom quantum systems, Pasqal is trying to ensure all aspects of QIS will interoperate going forward. Standardisation has always helped businesses adopt new technologies because they are more consistent… Podcast Transcript August 18, 2023 Transcript | Quantum Computing Standardisation— with Pasqal Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a chat with Catherine Lefebvre from Pasqal and learn how they’re doing more than making room-temperature quantum computers. Blogs March 14, 2024 Understanding the Global Internal Audit Standards Republished from a three-part series of articles on The Protiviti View, our blog featuring commentary, insights and points of view from Protiviti leaders and SMEs on key challenges and risks companies are facing today, along with new and emerging developments in the market. Newsletter October 13, 2022 The ESG Debate: Where Does Your Company Stand? A University of Oxford and Protiviti global survey reports that North American companies are less committed to ESG than their counterparts in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. The questions are why this disparity exists, and where does your organisation stand? The Oxford and Protiviti survey findings suggest that North American companies may be underrating the importance of external… Whitepaper April 21, 2022 PCI Security Standards Council publishes updated data security standard DSS 4.0 addresses rapidly evolving threat environment and provides flexibility for how organisations can achieve compliance On March 31, 2022, the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) released a new version of the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS). PCI DSS 4.0 is the first revision to the DSS in almost four years. It represents a major update to the standard as the payments industry faces an… Newsletter May 11, 2023 A Call for Transparency Amid a Shifting Legal and Regulatory Landscape The increasing complexity of the legal and regulatory landscape is challenging the board’s fiduciary duties. Emerging trends ushering in a call for fairness and transparency should be of paramount importance to directors. Boardroom agendas cover an array of topics but no matter the issue, there are important underpinnings to board oversight and governance. Newsletter July 1, 2021 Lessons From the Pandemic: Crisis as a Catalyst for Innovation Creating a work environment that encourages creativity and innovation is paramount to a company’s agility and longevity. A crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic is a time when these attributes, latent or not, are put to the test. A facilitated discussion with active directors at a recent National Association of Corporate Directors event in the United States focused on the significance of agility… Whitepaper September 3, 2021 SOX Compliance and the Promise of Technology and Automation Assessing the results of Protiviti’s 2021 SOX Compliance Survey within the energy and utilities industries It’s been more than a year since a historic global pandemic changed the way companies operate in the near-term and very likely for the long-term future. We can see the impact on numerous fronts — including the costs for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance activities. And for certain companies, the… Load More