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  • Newsletter

    June 26, 2023
    Sharing information and lessons learned has become increasingly critical for the effective management of cybercrime and related financial crime. This need requires financial institutions to rethink how they have historically managed these risks.
  • Whitepaper

    October 16, 2023
    Can financial institutions manage effectively in a world where issues and breaches are known to regulators before the chief compliance officer or anyone else in the organisation even learns about them?
  • Whitepaper

    February 20, 2023
    On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The global condemnation of the invasion has included an unprecedented number of sanctions against Russia that began being issued almost immediately and has continued as the war goes on, bringing with it large-scale economic disruption and untold human tragedy. For the financial services industry and the issuing nations, there are lessons to be learned…
  • Survey

    February 14, 2023
    Responses to Selected Questions Received During Webinar – January 11, 2023 We received numerous questions during our January webinar on Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2023 & 2032. While we responded to some during the webinar, we were unable to cover all of them. We have selected a number of the unanswered questions that we believe to be of general interest and have included…
  • Flash Report

    June 8, 2023
    On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the agencies) issued the “Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management.”[1] This marks the long-awaited finalisation of the proposed guidance that was initially issued on July 19,…
  • Survey

    December 15, 2022
    PE-owned companies weigh in on their top risks for 2023 and the next decade, from labor and global supply chain issues to resilience and culture When it comes to the risk landscape for 2023 and the next 10 years, people, talent and culture top the list of concerns for organisations worldwide – specifically, succession challenges and the ability to attract and retain top talent, as well as being…
  • Survey

    October 1, 2020
    Actionable Insights into Implementing your Advanced ERM Program We conducted the first-ever ERM diagnostic survey for the Middle East with the objective to help regional companies evaluate their ERM preparedness and sensitize them about the need to invest in and integrate ERM. Responses from C-suite-level respondents were assessed for several ERM best practices and the companies were mapped into…
  • Whitepaper

    June 27, 2023
    By Bernadine Reese and Jackie SanzRegulators and many other stakeholders are intently focused on how financial institutions address environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. Within financial institutions, boards of directors, executive management and much of the C-suite are weighing in on the ESG strategy and approach. Chief compliance officers (CCOs), though, have been remarkedly…
  • Newsletter

    December 13, 2023
    A look back at business failures often reveals blind spots that either concealed a dysfunctional culture or led to a lack of understanding, strategic error or missed opportunities. Is the board aware of the organisation’s blind spots, and is it addressing them?We’ve all heard the adage that what we don’t know can be more damaging to reputation, brand image, market standing and competitive…
  • Newsletter

    May 8, 2024
    Whether an acquisition is a stand-alone, complementary entity or an integration, the due diligence process is undergoing a paradigm shift due to the higher cost of funding and the impact of failed transactions. Boards should expect a more aggressive focus on due diligence.How has the due diligence process changed in recent years? For sure, the complexity of certain topics, such as environmental…